Native Instruments Maschine KILLS my MPC 4000, period.
Okay, so you’ve seen me using it in a lot of my videos and such, and I’ve had it for a few months ever since NI sent it to me back in August or so to review, with the official 1.1 update out I’m finally giving you my personal review on the overall product.
It’s a killer!
Here’s why I love Maschine:
- It’s hands on, but no limits like hardware with memory and drive space
- I can access ALL of my sounds in the same environment, I can’t do that with my mpc, not enough space
- The sound browser makes navigating through tons of sounds very easy and customizable
- It has the same sequencer resolution as my mpc 4000, therefore I can turn off quantize and get the same “feel”
- Each of the 8 groups has 16 “sounds” that’s like 8 mini 16 track sequencers
- Each sound can be a single wave or a multi sampled instrument like pianos, strings, synths, etc
- Each of my sounds has 2 insert fx, each group has 2 insert fx, and there are two master insert fx
- I can change the pitch of my samples on the fly, no need to process and wait for it, just turn the knob
- It has swing and note repeat if you like that sorta thing
- I can change the bit rate of my samples on the fly, plus I have normal filters on each sound
- It’s easy to chop samples, I can copy and paste them by hitting a pad, then duplicate, then pressing another pad, very quick
- Easy to set the start end points on samples for old school style chopping, or you can use auto chop…I rarely do
- Song mode is different from the mpc, but now that I understand it, it’s very quick
- I don’t have to look at my screen for anything if I don’t want to, just the maschine controller
- I can use it to sequence other vsts and devices if I wish…
- NI is updating it and listening to the community
- The real time pattern sequencer is the exact way I’m used to working
- There is a step sequencer that I never use, but some do…it works lol
- Has easy tap tempo, perfect for how I work
- there is a “pad” mode that is pretty much like 16 levels on the mpc
- easy to turn on full velocity
Yeah I could keep going, but you seen the video, I think it’s the illest product to drop in a long time and don’t see anyone taking the crown from NI if they keep developing it to it’s full potential.
Some of my other videos showing maschine in use:
- First day with maschine, opening the box.
- Making a west coast beat on maschine
- Using maschine as a workstaton
- Making a beat on maschine with no samples
- Importing your samples into maschine
- Browsing sounds from Maschine hardware
- Using maschine to sequence vst instruments
Some things I’d like to see in Maschine:
VSTi/NI Plugin support PLEASE!!!!
- Without a doubt, some sort of integration with other NI plugs WITHIN the Maschine environment is a must lol. I’m always on the forums talking about this, I really think it will take it to the next level. I don’t think NI realized how many of us would want to use JUST maschine…but they made the workflow so good that it’s what many of us have been waiting for in software music production.
- Please NI, give us something. Let us have a lil “rack” in maschine, for NI plugs. Even allowing kore/kontakt player slots would be a nice step…that opens it up to a bunch of sounds and possibilities. I’ll come to Germany, I’ll wear my tie, we can chat about it… I have ideas
Sampler improvements:
- Mainly on the sample editing, not so much for me, but for my homies! Being able to truncate, normalize, and adjust your slice markers manually is a much desired feature. Good for us they stated it’s in the coming update, on the forum, so that will be here in the near future.
- MPC format import for those of us coming from that side of things. Maybe even battery/kontakt import would be dope too…then you wouldn’t need as much support for vst if you could browse/play kontakt instruments.
- Time-stretching that is pretty transparent, but that you can turn on and off and adjust in-case you want to induce some artifacts into your samples
- vintage sample mode, to mimic the sound of the ancient 12bit samplers, always a desire for beat makers wanting a specific “crunch” (coming in next update)
General improvements:
- Possible way to double the number of groups from 8 to 16? Maybe a button? Many use the groups as “tracks” since you can separate stuff easier, or give us a way to have patterns for each sound in the current groups… so we can sequence multiple sounds in a group “separately”. This is mainly important when creating songs/scenes, it would be easier but may get too complex in the screen…not sure, but would be nice to have more flexibility with the separation of sounds in groups.
- If no vst support, a dedicated synth engine to help get some synth sounds going. Maybe even a dedicated drum synth.
- Some expansion packs, adding more sounds to the workstation. The sounds are good, but we need more instrument sounds in there.
- Easier way to sequence the scenes/patterns. Let us drag and drop patterns in scene arrange, drag the length of the scene to make verse/chorus/breaks
- Let us rename the groups without having to save them as a kit, just so we can keep track of what’s in a group when putting scense together.
Overall thoughts
Maschine is a dream come true, especially for folks like me that held off on software production because it just wasn’t “hands on” enough. The way most software sequencers work is linear, this is not how I am used to working.
I grew up on hardware drum machines and sequencers, creating loops and patterns, then putting them into songs is how I roll, as do many millions of others.
I always wished I could have access to all my sounds when using my mpc, but I only have access to 512 mb of sounds, that’s not a lot, I have a lot of sounds. Not only that, but being able to browse my sounds as I’m making the tracks is killer.
I really don’t see anyone being able to stop the progress of NI if they continue to listen to users and enlist hardcore hardware and software producers as beta testers, product specialists and product consultants ( i’m open!)
It took a software company to see that people want a hybrid, and to do it in a way that will set the standard for all hardware and software production stations to come.
Maschine is now the standard by which I measure the workflow of a product, it used to be the mpc, but no longer.
If you still have a room full of gear, then Maschine will not replace your mpc in that respect, which has 4 midi outputs. I no longer work that way, and my whole setup is centered around the computer now.
I can’t wait until I can use ONLY maschine for production, with a few additions and changes, I think that dream is very close to reality.
Maschine for the win… 5 out of 5, 10 out of 5 actually!
If you’re ready, check or on the easy payment plan at
let me know what you think, agree or disagree, leave a comment below.
same way you do it for vsts, did you peep the link I posted about sequencing vsts in reaper?
basically for the sound source you choose midi out, then choose the channel.
in relation to your xv, you will need to have a midi cable going from the midi out port on the maschine controller, to the midi in port on your xv
Thanks for the straight talk as usual Saintjoe. I’ve recently bought a MPD32 new for 250 and a 2000XL for 400. Love em both, but that coulda been the bread for Maschine. I agree Maschine goes well beyond a well mapped MIDI controller. I’ve actually got about 80% there with the MPD32 vst’s and Live, but it took many many hours of work to the point I usually need a pen and paper to plot it all out(haha).
And there’s always something you inexplicably can’t do, like how Battery won’t let you map start and end points to knobs (@NI Why NOT?). Even after I make a dope template I still have no labels on anything and have to remember literally 72 different assigns.
Looking at things like V-stack and Energy XT I don’t see why NI shouldn’t let us rack up any and all vst’s (i know i’m greedy).
Also I wanna ask, the MIDI/VST setup you had in Reaper, couldn’t you achieve exactly the same thing in Live, with the added benefit of Live’s resampling and roided out mpc-like features?
I was gonna cop the 2500SE in January, but now I’m thinking Maschine and a 1000/JJos. In the meantime at least I have some ties.
No doubt bro! lol, well, I just did it in reaper because I was setting it up the same way I would my mpc, reaper is pretty transparent. I haven’t tried it in Live yet but I will, and when I do I’ll post that up lol. I just wanted something straight forward to “hold” the vsts I was sequencing….
when they bring that into maschine, I doubt I’ll use anything else besides a daw for recording vocals lol.
Man even trying to make templates for Maschine as a controller for other stuff, it’s just not the same! They way maschine works with the software is crazy and next level. I love it, lol…so does my tie!
Yes st. you hit on the nose I know what my setup will consist of now Maschine,Reason 4 and Record 1.0 thats all I will ever need. also that Beat thang and I’m done. But yes I really respect your input on 411 about sounds and gear thanks alot.
Thanks man! It’s really amazing how far software has come. Ask anyone that knows me, 3 years ago I would have probably kicked you in the earlobe if you said I needed to use software instead of my mpc and some racks/keyboards.
Hahaha, times change, and NI is at the forefront, I just hope they listen to the users and keep pushing maschine into greatness.
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Great Subliminal Message. lol. Looks real great. I hope I can get 1 someday & a better computer.
Hahahaha thanks for checkin it out bro, it’s a dope product I love it.
The sampler part of Maschine still lacks a way to rename recorded samples and rename samples in the database. The timestamping method is only good as a temp solution – it’s completely useless unnecessary for long term archiving or swapping samples across multiple projects.
yeah, I hear you on that man…honestly, I don’t sample into maschine, neither did I really sample into my mpc.
I import whatever wavs I wanted to mess with, then I chop them.
They need to provide a way to rename samples easily, I definitely agree with that, not sure how that got omitted.
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You sold me. I just order it hopefully it will be here in the next few days, some of these sites need to be kicking you off a little something for all these in depth reviews of their products. Thanks for giving us the 411 on all this stuff bro.
dope! Let me know when you get it!! Yeah I wish I could get a gig with one of these companies lol
sometimes a few of the sample companies will break me off when folks buy, or like the new motionsamples store
but as you know I’m vwry picky lol only review what I personally like
I think that’s a lot better for everyone
glad you like what I’m tryin to do over here!!
Whats up man. I have had maschine since it came out and I love it but they need to add a feature so we can lock the autowrite button down. I cant tweak with just one hand! I have been on the boards numerous times trying to get this feature implemented but to no avail. Maybe many people don’t automate their patterns or something but this is a must have feature. I just wish it wasnt so cpu intensive also. I dont know why the more groups I add even if they arent playing slow down my computer. And since they are only samples it would seem like the slowdown would be minimal. Oh well, Guess we cant have everything.
I feel ya man! I’m sure they will add a way to lock autowrite lol…I would hope. I don’t have any issues with cpu or adding groups but not saying it’s not an issue…I just haven’t noticed.
I think they will keep improving it, it’s a major hit even with the things we keep wishing it had, there’s nothing out here that can do what it does lol.
I’m confident autowrite lock will get added, it has to! lol
Joe what it is bro
What the?
Joe I had not clue your were putting in work with the review. I’ll be checking them out.
Un! What it is fam! We need to chat fam, been far too long homie! Whas good wit you?
well i am sold and will be getting one in the next two weeks ..ill go look for some promo coupons lol
hahahaha! I hear ya man!
is there a way to get more than 16 sounds in a group?
if you’re slicing a sample, you can use the buttons in the right screen when in keyboard mode to get to the rest of your samples.
not sure what you’re talkin about, the “box” doesn’t do anything but playback what’s in the software, everything is done in the software, the box is just the controller for it.
does the maschine have internal memory? and if so how much? does it have an sd slot? can it do everything an mpc 1000 can do? do you need a computer to successfully use a maschine?
No internal memory or sd card needed, everything runs off of the computer. The controller is tightly integrated with the software so you can see pretty much everything you are doing on the controller, so it operates very similar to hardware without all the memory and storage limits.
you can’t use it without the computer, it needs the software to work.
thanks for the info man…this has made me decide to get an mpc
cool, enjoy lol, I’ll never go back to the mpc personally, my 4k is sitting right here next to me looking sad lol.
Are you doing a review of the 1.5 update?
@CP, probably some parts of it that I really use/like.
Man, I wrote this thing off because it has orange light up buttons & I thought that was corny but now I’m pretty much sure I’m gonna cop one over the summer. Good thing I never bought Ableton like I had intended lol!
@a-one, joint is dope man lol, ableton is dope too but Maschine is a whole different level of production/workflow. I like them both together but if I only had to choose one it’d be maschine, i use it the most.
Quick question, can Maschine run in slave mode to Reason 4.0 minus Record?
@MoCity, Never mind, I saw your post covering this as i’m a noob to these parts finding my way around. I’ll watch the video later and follow up if necessary. I just got the Maschine hardware and i stil have some exploring of sound refills to do in REason where i house most of my music production right now. Logic to come!
@MoCity, cool yo, share what ya find yo!
@MoCity, I’m not sure on much about Reason as I don’t use it, I only made a vid showing how to use it as a module for Maschine lol.
it’s a big thing for me. i started with an mpc2k in 1999 and have used
an mpc 4k for past 6 or 7 years.
now this has come along and i am thinking of selling my trusty 4k to go
down this road.
however i am hoping that someone who knows about both the mpc 4k and the
maschine can answer the following questions:
1. in my mpc 4k, I have the ram maxed out which means i have 512mb of
memory in it. meaning i can have 512mb worth of samples loaded at any
one time. this is very useful for me as often i use 8 bar loops and
phrases and acapella sections. how much memory has the maschine got in
it (i.e. how much ram worth of samples can i have loaded at once)?
2. in the mpc4k, each sequence can have up to 128 tracks in it (e.g.
track 1 – kicks, track 2 – snares and so on). on the maschine, how many
tracks per sequence (or the maschine equivalent of a sequence)?
3. in the mpc4k, there is 128 sequences in each session. how many for
the maschine (i am aware that they are not called sequences in
4. on the mpc4k i can playback a midi sequence to an external synth
while sampling in the audio output of that external synth. i do this
alot to free up a synth after i have sequenced a part into the mpc. can
this also be done on the maschine – to play a sequnce and sample in
5. the mpc4k has an 80gb hardrive. does the maschine have an internal
hardrive that it stores it’s library on or is the library stored on the
computer it is attached to?
once these questions are answered i will be able to decide whether to go
down the maschine route or stick with the mpc thank you metro
@Blonde Peterson,
1. depends on your computer’s ram
2. each group has 16 “sounds” which have their own track, there are 8 groups. 8 x 16 = 128 BUT when arranging your patterns, they are “group patterns” so in your sequences you’ll always have 8 patterns made up of the 16 tracks in each group, not quite as flexible as the 4k where each track is separate and managed separately. Though if you export/drag the audio out into your daw, you can separate all the sounds/tracks
3. these are called scenes in maschine, there are 64
4. yes
5. it’s not a hardware device, it’s a hybrid controller and software, all data, ram, processing is done on your computer
thank saintjoe, appreciate the swift response! one more question (sorry!): I dont use a DAW and want to use the maschine as a standalone unit (with the software it comes with). Can I sequence external synths with just maschine (and record the audio from these synths in as samples while maschine plays the pattern a la MPC4000??)….thanks dude. muschos respectos.
@blonde p, yeah you can do that, you can set the bar/length so it will sync the sample to your pattern and stop recording automatically, etc.
hey whats up man? i just got maschine absolutely love it..just one question i figured out how to do everything pretty quickly but i really do not understand scene mode and what its all about for the life of me..if you could maybe break it down for me thatd be cool..keep doing your thing fam!
@nick, no doubt fam, scene mode is how you build songs, so basically each scene can hold 1 pattern from each group, so if you have specific patterns play together for the chorus, make that a scene, for the verse you make another.
the scene plays as long as the longest pattern, so if your longest is 8 bars, it will be that long, if you have some 4 bar patterns, they will loop twice to fill up the 8 bars.
that’s pretty much it
and also when sampling is there a way to edit it so when you hit the pad (when set to ADSR) it doesnt sound so choppy…and finally when sampling something that has its own drums in the sample how do u like edit it so you cant really hear it? because sometimes ill find the dopest sample and then ill lay my own drums over it but u can still hear the samples drums and it just sounds off…thanks again man much appreciated..
@nick, not sure what you mean, but all this has to do with sampling and your editing skills. There is no quick tool to remove drums, you’d have to use various eq tricks and such, and they still probably won’t be all the way gone, you could try chopping the parts around the drums depending on how they are played lol.
choppy sample would have more to do with the source than maschine, does it still sound choppy when you set it to oneshot?
You can read my humble review here:
Hope it helps!
@Ishaan Kashyap, cool, thanks for sharing bro!
What up man thanks for posting up this review and all your vids on maschine you def really helped me decide on getting it. Quick question tho what do you think about academic version of maschine? I found a few on ebay brand new for $440 and they said only differnce from academic and retail is you cant transfer it to someone else once registered in your name
@Gary Bichell, it’s the same exact software, just a different license like you said..if you can qualify for academic pricing I say go for it!
@saintjoe, well im not in school so i guess its out of question lol. But i was wondering how do the drum kits sound like? That’s the main i always had problems with when making beats is finding good quality hard hitting drums. I got thousands of drums but prolly 100s are good u kno
@Gary Bichell, got some good drums in it for sure
Yo, love the videos; you teach well. My maschine is showing a number count like 384 on the pattern mode instead of showing a 2/1 count, how do I change that?
@Tony, word, thanks for the support. Set your pattern length to 1 bar or something, right now you have it set to off.