Hey what’s good fam?
Got another review for you, if you’re into high quality symphonic sounds then you’ll want to check this out.
It’s CineSymphony LITE from Cinesamples
Let’s check it out!
So what is CineSymphony LITE?
This is an “essential” collection of instruments built from their flagship symphonic orchestra range “CineSymphony”.
It covers the essential orchestral instrument sections, giving a very powerful and easy to use library for those that may not need access to all the articulations available in the dedicated products.
Or maybe you’re just starting out in symphonic libraries and need a good foundational set of section instruments.
It’s also geared towards composers who need to do some quick sketches without pulling out all the separate instruments from the larger library.
Don’t get it confused though, this is not a toy, the sound quality is the same as the rest of the range. It’s just a much easier to digest package for those that don’t need the multiple articulations and options.
Quick Specs
- content: 2GB, 6 patches
- format: Kontakt Player 5.3.1+
- price: $349 (reg price $399)
- product page: http://cinesamples.com/product/cinesymphony-lite
How does it sound?
It has a very “familiar” sound, sounds like the stuff you’ve heard in many movies over the years. Puts me in the mind of epic scores like Superman and stuff like that!
Seriously, it does have a very nice cinematic sound to it, the overall ambiance around the instruments is great, plus you can throw in reverb if you like.
I love the simple approach of having section patches with sustain and short notes, and that’s it. It makes the library very immediate, and also quick to load which is something else I really love.
I just don’t like waiting forever for patches to load, and when you’re talking about great sounding symphonic/orchestral patches, that’s pretty much the norm in most cases.
The strings are smooth and the inclusion of EQ allows you to tweak them to taste, making them warmer or brighter as needed.
The brass sounds like something straight out of “Conan the Barbarian” or something epic like that. It has a really natural acoustic sound though, there’s no mistaking the brass section with the string section, and there’s definitely detail even though it’s a full section. I feel like I can hear each player…which is dope!
The woodwinds sound great as well, with the same attention to detail, and it feels like each instrument is playing within it’s own range which makes chords sound much better.
Oh yeah! The chord player/spreader option is great, it changes the entire dynamic by splitting up the notes among the instruments in the section based on what you play, and you can also use it for quick stacking of notes…I dig it.
The percussion and timpani patches sound awesome as well, with or without reverb. The fact that everything was recorded in the same state/studio gives it a sound that meshes great together.
So what’s the bottom line?
Sometimes you just want to keep it simple, while getting awesome sounds in the process. I’m not ashamed to say I’d much rather load and go than sit and tweak forever trying to build the perfect section myself.
Thankfully Cinesamples did all the section work for me, so I can just grab and play!
You don’t have to think too hard to use it, the interface is right there ready to be tweaked and the patches are straight forward. Ensembles with short and sustained options. Perfect!
This makes the library useful for everyone from film composers to pop, urban, and edm producers alike.
I give CineSymphony LITE 4.5 out of 5 subs. There are tons of symphonic orchestral libraries out there but this strikes the balance of great sound with ease of use.
I dig it, I’d only add a few requests, the ability to quickly reverse the velocity settings, and the inclusion of some basic chord/ensemble patches, which I think makes sense in a library like this.
Even without that, I love the library, the size, the sound, and the interface.
Go on over and check it out, and if you need more variety checkout the rest of their CineSymphony series: http://cinesamples.com/product/cinesymphony-lite
Leave a comment below, let me know what you think
Clean & Pristine
Kinda figured this would bring you out LOL
Sweet sound!
Yes indeed, thanks for watching
SJ: Cinesamples has created a symphony kit that has beautiful sound quality. ‘Who would have known so the quality of this library?” Thanks for the video review. 4.5/5.0 rating.
Yes indeed, thanks for watching.
Thanks for the heads up!
No doubt, thanks for watching.
Great review, amazing work you are doing! Would you chose this over SAM Orchestral Essentials?
Orchestral Essentials covers a bit more ground in my opinion, but I do love the sound of this one. So I guess it’s more what your taste is and what you’re looking to add. Both are great but they definitely have their own sound/style.
Thanks saintjoe! Keep up the amazing work as it is so helpful! Looking for a plug in for cinematic composing so I’ll re visit both of your reviews. Best wishes from Australia
No problem, yeah they are both really good so it’s definitely a very personal decision
Totally agree with you saintjoe on the velocity switching..it seems odd they have programmed it in reverse..the brass is really growling in your demo ..interesting to see how the trumpets hold up in a fast run..always tricky to achieve realism when playing convincing staccatos..you are spot on with load and play quickly as that’s the key to keeping the inspiration alive! Well done again and really appreciate your knowledge and thoroughness
Thanks for watching man, yeah I’d really like the velocity response reversed for my playing, of course I could change it and save it, but still, a quick button would be nice!
Hi SJ and Happy New year! Just a quick one if I may..The Brass seems to be more aggressive and growls more on Cinesymphony? The Strings don’t have real Legato as well where OE 1 does have this? I wonder whether that’s such a big deal when playing realistic passages between the two? Thanks again for the amazing service you offer pros and novices
Correct this doesn’t have legato, their CineStrings, CineBrass, and CineWinds CORE does.
Hey sir, liked your CineSymphony LITE and also your ProjectSAM Orchestra Essentials 2. It seems they both are good. Want to start scoring strings and orchestras. It seems for me CineSymphony LITE will be my first go, even though, I like ProjectSAM OE 2. Its hard to choose, but money is a basis for me and I want to start and be on time for what I am composing. Making a dynamic choosing for me, but LITE maybe better at first and maybe just grow with Cinesamples later on. Maybe a little advice from you would be honored.
Thank you,
Project SAM covers the whole orchestra while CS Lite is mainly about symphonic ensembles. Both are great, different sounds, you may want to check Project SAM OE 1 as well.
Jut came across this review as I am also torn between cinesamples and project sam. Curious if you ever tried the Spitfire Audio Mural Symphonic strings or Albion?
I dig the Spitfire stuff a lot, it’s a bit more organic/warm for my tastes. Really just depends on what you need, they all have their own style and I don’t hate any of them LOL
Hey SJ. Back again to revisit your great review. There is a dilemma out there with OE 1 & 2 compared with Cinesamples lite. Do you think taking the plunge and getting OE 1 & 2 as a bundle would pretty much the best option over just getting Cinesamples lite. I want the full cinematic orchestra with the best sounds! Thanks again SJ. You are awesome!
They really do both cater to different things so it mainly depends on what exactly you’re looking for. I think the OE stuff covers a little more ground in terms of the extra things it includes where this focuses mainly on the Symphonic side of things and providing a great basic toolkit. For example, OE gets into some of the more “produced” sounds and elements along with the traditional instruments if that makes sense?