Yo what’s good fam!
Back with another review of a product I’ve been wanting to get to for a while.
It’s the most recent release from the folks over at Soniccouture, whom you know is a favorite around here.
This one is a collection of quirky analog instruments that you may find in an attic somewhere.
As such..the product is called “The Attic”.
Let’s check it out
So what is The Attic?
It is a product made up of a collection of 10 different vintage analog instrument.
The instruments range from synths and string machines, to organs and electronic pianos.
Each has it’s own interface inspired by the original instruments, of course sometimes there are extra controls not found on the originals.
In addition to each instrument there is also folders of presets made with the various instruments.
It’s like having your very own collection of vintage and possibly forgotten instruments right in your Kontakt interface.
Quick Specs
- content: 7.8GB, 10 instruments, 350+ presets
- format: Kontakt Player 5, Kontakt 5
- price: $149
- purchase: http://shop.soundsandgear.com/product/soniccouture-the-attic/
How does it sound?
Soniccouture always pays great attention to detail in the instruments they are sampling, because of this, you’re sure to get the character of each instrument.
Out of the whole collection my favroite is probably the Synthi, followed by the SH2000, however there were some others that I may have never had a chance to play with had it not been for this library.
For example, the Omnichord is really cool, you can get some very interesting chord strumming out of it and the Rs202 string synth really captures that vintage analog string sound.
I love the grit and warmth capture in the samples as well as the imperfections present that give the instruments a bit of “flux” that is natural when dealing with analog devices.
The fact that you get everything from the raw and unruly analog thickness of the Synthi all the way to the smooth and classic sound of the analog electric piano shows the diversity of the sound indeed.
Each instrument has the same effects page which makes tweaking quick and painless, and though they don’t make any noise, the interfaces are a thing of beauty and encourage you to tweak away.
So what’s the bottom line?
Many times when you hear of an “analog” inspired library or product, it’s usually the same few synths over and over.
What I really enjoy about this collection is they don’t capture all of the “usual supsects” and as such, it really feels like exploring new sonic territory which allows for tones and colors you may not usually reach for.
I give The Attic 4 out of 5 subs, it’s a great library full of fun instruments with amazing interfaces and great sonic character.
I love the diversity and dedication to character above all else with the collection of instruments represented, and it’s really cool to have a chance to play with sounds I may otherwise never even consider.
A great sound, great interface, and quality programming make it a product well worth digging into.
Grab your copy: http://shop.soundsandgear.com/product/soniccouture-the-attic/
Leave a comment below and let me know what you think.
5 Subs
Guess it depends on what you’re looking for, thanks for the comment fam
Nyc sounds, kinda quirky
Definitely quirky, thanks for watching man.
This product contains a lot of the other sonic couture sets correct? Is there a benefit on those individual instruments some of us already may own?
Yeah they put alot of those smaller ones together into one single Kontakt Player library, I don’t know if they changed anything or not I would have to compare them to the previous versions. I know the Synthi looks a little different visually than the older version but it’s been a while since I looked at it.
Great review Mr Saint Joe! For a great bunch of vintage products!
Thanks for watching.