New sample company. Is any good?


How often do we see new sound design companies come around?

How often do you find yet another person selling drum kits and “samplez”?

How many hundreds of thousands of people are on ebay claiming to have the best original sample libraries?

Now how often have you purchased these kits only to find it’s nothing more than somone that downloaded mp3s of their favorite producers and chopped up all the sounds from there songs?

Yeah…I thought so.

So who the heck is

samplifiedhomepageThis past weekend I woke up to a link in my inbox leading to a new sound design company…

Okay, so I never heard of them…I’m always on the lookout for new up and coming sound companies, and new sounds…so I was curious.

I head on over to the website…it’s clean…simple, not flashy…not “blinged” out…very professional looking, as you can see from the screenshot.

But, looks mean nothing really now do they? You can have the dopest website and produce trash, or you can have a butt-ugly website yet the product is golden.

However, as people, human beings, looks do matter to us, and this website made me want to look a little deeper.

Turns out they are a new company out of Germany dedicated to urban hip hop, rnb and pop music samples.

Great! ANOTHER “urban” sound company….right? Well let’s see!

Starting off small…

Unlike many sample companies that try to start off way too big at first, samplifiedsounds busted on the scene with 4 sample kits. Yes just four, but wait a minute before you throw them out the door.

There are 3 kits of “sounds” and one drum kit. I would imagine they compliment each other nicely, at least I woudl think the drums go well with all the sound packs.

Digital Heat for your  beats

DigitalHeatKlSo, today I wanted to take a look at “Digital Heat”, which is a sound pack they sent over for review.

Maybe it’s because it was the first on the site, or maybe it was the colorful keyboard on the box!

Heck…maybe it was the demo, or the description of the contents.  Whatever, the reason why doesn’t matter, let’s get into the kit!

The description of the kit says it’s “the perfect set for creating contemporary r&b, hip hop, pop, and dance productions” that remains to be seen.

What I liked was that it said it contained “500 multi-samples, melodies, chords, hits, stabs, arpeggios, gated synths, plucks, pads, pianos, and guitars”…..

Heck to the yeah baby! I like a variety…you know how I do it! This sounds like a buffet of digital goodness…

What that variety like man?

Huge, there are tons of freakin sounds in this thing man, straight up! Not only is their single hits or whatever, but there are freaking multi-layered production loops. Perfect for chopping…you know that’s my thing!

Each sound usually has about 5-10 different variations…it’s kind of like mini sets of sounds. You can tell certain loops, chords or riffs go together.

But there’s enough here for even the most discriminating sound scientists.

What they sound like though?

If I had to give it one word… it would be DOPE. Yeah…I like the quality here, very clean, tight, not overly processed or over compressed…you can just plug and play if you want to…but you know I can’t do that!

The loops and riffs were not AS long as I would like…because when they are longer you can get more chops.

But no worries, I pulled out my cutting board and was able to get some killer chops so it’s all good with me.

What is your final verdict man, is it a good company?

I like the company, what I like is the variety, there isn’t a bunch of “I can make a sample pack too” type of stuff.

When many new companies come out, they all do the same stuff. They’ll make a synth pack that sounds like the next guy, then they’ll make an ATL pack, all that stuff. Nothing wrong with that at all…but I like originality too!

These riff and loops are very clean and ready to go. You can chop them or you can play the chords as is…it’s totally up to you.

For such a new company, that I’ve never heard of before, I was impressed. I’m looking forward to big things from this company and I can’t wait to dig in and check out the rest of the collection.

For this first outing I’m going to give them 4/5 subs.

Very impressed, and excited to see more from them. The come in with a standard of quality that I can get with. I love a good sound, a good kit, a good riff.

Something that is different, something original, something I can be inspired by.

If you’re looking for a break from what everyone else has, and want to be the firs to start incorporating these new sounds into your toolbox, I say you go on over and check out

good job folks! I like.


  1. Hmmmm, they sounded pretty good when i went to the site, I think it would be cooler if they had not split each on into 2 packs though and just came out and sold the whole thing as is.
    I liked the sounds though and will keep it in mind after I go ahead and grab that P5 joint!

    • Whatup relic! Yeah…well they have the option to buy the whole thing, I see a lot of companies actually do that these days, vol 1 and vol 2 or maybe one is loops one is licks, stuff like that. But it’s all good, I like to see new kids on the block! It’s always good for us, the end users! And they are pretty original with their sound too!

  2. I like the sounds, they have pretty good sound quality, i like how you chopped that up tho, came out clean. i am as well on the look out for new cats like these guys, i might check out their site tonight. thanks for the video man…stay up.


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