Native Instruments Massive for $59? Massive Threat Review


Today I’m checking out a new Kore pack from NI called Massive Threat.

It’s based on the Kore 2/Kore player concept and uses the MASSIVE engine.

This instrument collection was created in the full version of MASSIVE and all sounds can be used directly in MASSIVE.

But you don’t need MASSIVE to use these sounds, because they work in Kore 2 and even the FREE Kore Player.

Let’s check it.

So what is Massive Threat?

It’s a collection of 200 new cutting edge electronic synth sounds birthed from the digital dna that makes up the powerful MASSIVE synthesizer.

According to the website Massive Threat is made up of

“edgy, dynamic sounds of contemporary electronic music, taking its cue point from the dark, brooding atmosphere and raw, aggressive digitalism of dubstep, wonky and future garage”

sounds like a blueprint for an electronic eargasm if you ask me!

Quick Specs

  • Content: 200 sounds (1600 variations)
  • Format: Kore 2, Kore Player, MASSIVE
  • Price: $59

So how does it sound then?

Massive! Hahahahaha…okay, that was a little corny.

Seriously, the sounds are huge, fat, aggressive, thick, and evolving.

I expected huge bass, lush pads, and fat leads….but I was totally caught off guard by the included loops/grooves.

The evolving soundscapes took me for a spin as well.  Both were very appreciated.

This kore pack is full of the thick and diverse sound that makes MASSIVE such a popular synth among electronic musicians.

I think this collection shows the depth of MASSIVE and fits in with esoteric film sounds and effects just as well as electronic music.

The variety of sounds in here makes this an all around power synth, and the 8 variations for each sound allow you to sculpt your own style even further.

Of course if you have the full version of MASSIVE you can really get deep with the tweaking.

So what’s the bottom line on Massive Threat?

Get it!

Seriously, if you like synth sounds, and want to add a whole new collection of sounds to your library without having to buy and learn a whole new instrument, this can’t be beat for 59 bucks.

If you already have MASSIVE then you know the power in it, why not refill it with some new and inspiring sounds?

I give this kore pack 4.5 out of 5 subs, I really liked the quality of it as well as the diversity.

I can honestly see this being used quite a bit by myself, the sounds are just “right”.

I’m totally a fan of Native Instruments and their Kore Pack/Kontakt Pack setup, it really allows people to get their hands on some amazing sounds without having to dish out the money for the full instruments, which many wouldn’t need.

If you like to tweak and create your own sounds from scratch, you definitely want the full instruments.

If you like to have a set of ready to go sounds that you can easily tweak without having to learn a new instrument, peep out the kore packs and use them with the free

Kore Player.

Checkout the Massive Threat over on NI’s website, listen to the demos…I find it hard to believe anyone will be able to justify passing this one up.


  1. I bought this pack when i got a 20$ off coupon and I was not disappointed , I do alot of electro music and running this in kore 2 in logic I can get some sic dub step bass and woobly bass sounds while sidechaining . You can also do alot of cool stuff with the loops and morphing them….all in all I am / have been really pleased with this pack…HIGHLY RECOMMEND

  2. JS what’s good? Thanks for posting this, I’ve had my eye on it being that I have vol.1-2 of the other Massive packs. For the price it’s close to a no-brainer, better if you have a Kore coupon @ $29 (too bad that you can’t combine them though).
    I agree w/another post your walk through gives more insight than NI’s demos, which seems overly mixed and not showing the raw/individual sound of this pack.
    I’m gonna grab this, it’s giving me some Dancehall/Dub-Hop/Reggaeton ideas running through my head.
    BTW, I noticed that you have Compilations Vol 1, where can I find that? I have vol. 2 and it needs company *lol*

    • @jamari, definitely man! And I love some coupons lol. I’m glad to help man, I really try to approach these things with what I would like to hear from a pack…that’s the whole point of this site. I think being a beatmaker/producer gives me a different outlook than a company spokesperson, unless they are a beatmaker too lol.

      So I know how we do…when we get something we go through the whole thing first and if we come across something we like, we stop and make a beat with it lol.

      You can get compilation free on NI site, it should have come with the kore player when you downloaded it.

  3. I got Komplete so I’ve been having trouble figuring out which Korepacks won’t give me duplicated content. This looks like all new patches(plz let me know if I got that twisted), and real interesting ones at that.
    I’ve had one of those coupons forever and might just grab this one tonight.

    Informative and hands-on as always, thanks SaintJoe.

    • @Metatron72, yep, these are all new, just make sure on the korepacks you read the description, if it says all new, you’re good. If it says a collection of….be careful lol.

  4. Thanks for the review ! I got the Holiday Pack and another free set with the free Kontakt player in Dec ? , I think. Nice sounds and this set for $59 seems a bargain regardless of what your interests are . I appreciate your work ! Thanks again Michael


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