Native Instruments Maschine sequencing Propellerheads Reason 4


My homie hit me up last night asking how to sequence Reason from Maschine so you can use it as a sound module.

It was working, somewhat, but there were issues with the midi triggering everything at once, no matter the channel.

I don’t use Reason so I downloaded the demo and played around with it this morning, it works pretty well.

I think it would be even better using it with Record, so you could sequence the Reason devices in Record and then record the audio of them when you’re ready.

I may have to test that out as well, if I do, I’ll post a video.

Anyway, here’s the video on how to set this up.


  1. This takes me back 5 years to Reason 2.5. You used to have to do all your MIDI like that.
    SaintJoe you’re the man, making a video of some software you don’t use or even really like(haha) to help out a fellow beatmaker. I saw the original posts @NI,
    you probably made this dudes weekend.
    I like the thought of using Record in this situation, as I hear you can drag Reason’s MIDI tracks to audio over to Record, although I haven’t used Record myself. I bought a Launchpad instead last week.(Get one SaintJoe, Maschine, Nocturn and Launchpad is a ridiculous amount of control in 2 square feet).

    I’m gonna try this with Live as the recorder. Like you said on the NI forums, just let us have our transport in VST!

  2. Hey Saint & Meta, what’s good? Listen, I want to apologize straight off the get-go if either of you guys get uneasy about me randomly commenting your web page asking for help and advice… So try and forgive me here cause I think I have officially tried everything to get a hold of Propellerhead’s Record. Saint, I came across your video you threw up on youtube and that landed me here… I was actually trying those stupid tests or offers that “claim” you will get that file you can’t find.. possibly someday after they tell you one more simple quiz literally, eighteen times until you find yourself polishing your nine.
    Basically, I’m twenty years old and I’ve been making music digitally since the days of putting a shitty, pencil, computer microphone near the speaker of a keyboard and making really out of signature, embarrassing songs. Obviously you guys go back further than I do, and i have a lot of respect for people who know how it feels to put away all the bullshit in life, and appreciate a world of a whole lot of patience for the love of the product.
    Anyway Ssint, I read the description of your video and the download didn’t work out. This website is fucking DOPE though… You said you were going to give away your crack to the first two people who got back to you on the video.. obviously I must be quite a bit late.. so I’m not going to ask you for it. I have two questions for you though, if you don’t mind answering?
    A – Could you possibly help point me in the right direction toward somewhere I can get the beta without going though PROPELLER and where this notorious crack might be waiting?
    B – I honestly don’t very much about hacking programs, and I am def no wizard in reason.. I haven’t even been able to figure out how to use recycle or refill, reason drunm kits 2.0, nor reason pianos that came with the download. Would you mind maybe giving me some tips on how to become a better programer and how to use VST and all the plug-ins? Maybe you have an opinion about a better program that I could give a shot at? How do people produce music that comes out as crisp as a LAYS yet the volume should be peaking? There’s so much to learn, and every bit of it is very difficult yet so interesting. I barely sleep anymore since i got a hold of reason4.. but i know that my final product is always missing all the things that make a good production good. Maybe you guys are just so damn good and well educated that I don’t make any sense to you. You’re the next DJ Green Lantern, i’ll understand if you don’t get around to it. Sorry for the novel, just get excited about music.. and bummed about not knowing how to do a whole bunch of shit.
    email me if you feel like giving away any secrets.

    • @Gabriellee, what’s up fam! Don’t worry man, ask away, as for the licenses I had, those were not cracks (I don’t support cracks) they were free beta licenses before Record was released last year, so they no longer work since it is officially out.

      If you’re not digging Reason, you should checkout Ableton Live or NI Maschine, those are the only two products I can really suggest when it comes to making music for me, even though I used NI Maschine pretty much exclusively…I still dig Live as it’s dope.

      Sure there are other programs out, but I think those are the most fun to use 🙂

  3. Was there ever a follow-up on how to record using Reason via Maschine? This maps it out so you can hear what reason is doing but the audio stops at Reason and never enters back through to Maschine. Might be a great idea for strictly LIVE performance but for composers it’s kinda useless.It be super great if it were possible though. Cool video non the less.

    • I did some further videos on this using the rewire vst over on, but I mainly did this for those using Reason, as I’m not a Reason guy.


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