Akai Pro recently dropped their latest expansion, Soulful Instruments,Β which is another dope collaboration with MSXII Sound Design!
This expansion is designed to bring instruments with the same vibe, character, and texture as the Soul Provider series to MPC and Force users.
It delivers 64 multi-sampled instruments from pianos and keys, to synths and more, all with a bit of grit, texture, and and that MSXII sauce.
If you’re looking for some new inspiration, definitely grab this expansion.
Buy here: https://shop.soundsandgear.com/product/akai-pro-soulful-instruments-mpc-expansion/
What equipment are you using?
The Akai Force
Sometimes I get confused and try to load these instruments as a drum track but the Akai Force is smart and knows what kind of track it should be.
No doubt!