This is just a quick video showing how to chop samples manually in Ableton Live then assigning them to a drum rack.
It’s a quick way to slice samples and still have control over your sections. I showed how to automate chopping in the video how to use ableton live to chop samples like an mpc.
This one is for all the questions I got regarding how to have more control over your chops before you slice and assign them to the drum rack.
let me know what you think, leave a comment below.
Yo,man!, thanks for the tutorial on chopping samples on Ableton Live. Keep dropping that knowledge.
no problem, always glad to help
thanx homie.cause knowing is only half the battle…”gi,joe”hahaha.
No doubt yo! Hope it helps ya!
yo man thanks for the info. Appreciate the help.
no problem, glad to help
Thanks for that Joe.I use Abelton and I have been tryng to figure out how to do that.
no problem yo, glad to help!
Good tutorial. This is the easiest and yet the most convinient way to do this. Thanks again. This will save me time
glad you could use it, I have a few peeps asking about it so I figured it’s best to share a quick video on it.
great tutorial man…. great tutorial. very very helpful. keep this up, you could be the only lead source of hip hop tutorials for ableton man… i can’t wait to figure out some stuff, so i can do videos for your site too!
hahahaha, glad u like it man, just trying to share some tips ya know.
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I’m just getting into Ableton Live, and this is exactly what I’m looking to do with it. Awesome tutorial man, thanks!
Glad to help Sean, it’s pretty slick.
dope tutorial man, just wondering if theres a way to do ’16 levels’ like you would on the mpc but to do it with say one sample layed out on all keys of a keyboard controller at different pitches. kind of like the asr-10 sampler style.
if you just want to lay a sample out across the keys, drag it into a simpler instead of a full drum rack, then you’ll be able to play it out on the keys
try2dream, I was curious about the 16 level method… is there a song that utilizes that technique that I could learn from. I’m trying to see how that would sound if i applied it
it’s not really a “sound” it’s just a quick method on the mpc where if I have a sound on a pad I can hit 16 levels and it will spread it across all the pads, each pad with a different pitch or velocity, whichever you choose.
Can you do this in Live 7 or does it have to be 8?
I’m using live 7 so it will def work in there
Yeah man, the old MPC mentality never dies does it? I was reading MPC forums the other day, and someone asked why Akai has never put a jog dial on any of the MPD’s.
Not totally necessary, but man that would dope for this.
it’s all about the workflow man! that’s what it is…folks wanna get ideas down quickly without stuff getting in the way, I know u feel me lol
im a strictly software guy because i cant afford to get an mpc.. whats the jog dial for that software can’t do?
it would just provide a hands on way for people to edit their samples is all.
THANK YOU SJ!!appriciate the vid,this is going to help me try some different things.
you’re welcome man, really glad to help out!
Very straight forward tutorial. Man, I’m loving your site! Thanks for putting in the time to do these videos!
thanks man, glad to help!
Can you change the pitch or time stretch those samples inside of the drum pad?
I don’t think you can timestretch in there but you can change the pitch if you open up the simpler device connected to each pad.
your sample isnt gonna be in time if u do it manual
@killermike, it won’t be in time if you automatically slice to midi either, I always use tap tempo when slicing samples.
@saintjoe, can you describe how to do tap tempo in more detail. not sure what its used for
@alwayzambitious, tap tempo so that the tempo of the track matches the tempo your want, I always use it any time I make music. Just tap the tempo and then it’s set at what you want. When using samples, you can tap it to the sample to get the tempo you need, it’s a more hands on way of setting your tempo.
whut up saint joe
u killin it with this site dude, ive been wanting to get using abelton for some time ur chop to midi and this vid really got me movin but.
when i load a sample more then 8 seconds long into simpler and the **** fades out, on fill length and full release.
how can i make this **** play in true tigger/one shot mode?
as ive setup a default simpler and default drm rack but all my longer music samples r fading out
@jpeg, no doubt fam thanks for the love! Check the sustain on your volume/amp envelope, it may not be set to 100%
@saintjoe, thats the joke i made sure the length was full, sustain and decay was all checked but regardless after the 6 to 8 second mark the shit starts to trail.
have u ever tried puttin a 2 minute sample in simpler? its cool for drum sounds but seems longer audio aint supported
saintjoe, jpeg ( what a name lol ) is right.. it does trail off at the 6-8 second mark. sustain decay relay set to 100 percent.. it’s probably something simply we are missing
@Dwayne ( @alwayzambitious ), that’s crazy fam lol, I’ll have to peep it.
@jpeg, hmmm, interesting, i’ll have to try wit a longer sample, I’ll admit I never put in samples that long lol
Hey thanks man, I’ve been doing it the ‘automatic’ way but it was tedious and gave me shit splices, had to spend ages fixing every time.
I’m such an idiot for not thinking of this!!
@Stuen, cool glad to help yo!
@dwayne neva knew the tag was funny, guess it is…
but this is all water under the bridge simpler seems to have a built in delay but I have constructed my drum rack using sampler, that way i can throw in any sample and have the full thing play, and the filters are nicer on sampler anyhow.
@jpeg, nice one.
yo peace peace! i have a question about tempo and warping…why is it that when i drop my sample into the drum rack the tempo and warp changes back to the original tempo and sound of the song, is there a way to keep it from doing that? thanks in advance
I think you would have to warp it after moving it to the drum rack, or sample the warped audio to a new track first.
yo man thanks that shit works like a G
Cool fam, glad to help!
i have chopped well and good , my problem is say i have cjopped a song into slice this song to new midi track ..ok my whole drum rack get full
i cant go to e7 f7 rack
Did you move the square to focus which samples you’re on? Or did you change the octaves on your keyboard? If you have more than 128 then they won’t all fit.