I just got Native Instruments Maschine a few days ago, so I am still getting used to it.
Many folks wanted me to do a follow up to my video where I had just opened native instruments maschine.
So I just put together a video showing how I’ve been working with the software.
I will say this, Maschine is amazing. I will have a full review for you shortly, but man….this is nice.
So check out this video of me making a west coast style track with mashine.
If you’re interested, zzounds.com has a payment plan where you can get Maschine for 4 payments of $149. No credit needed.
I always look for these methods, I usually use american musical but zzounds has a better deal on this one.
It’s the best deal I’ve found online for it so far.
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Hi man, this is a very nice piece of hardware and the workflow seems to be great…
See ya.
Peace, and greetings from Berlin, Germany
Thanks man, the workflow is amazing, I am really loving this thing.
Liking the flow bro, sounds good. Man you got some money to be buying that type of stuff! lol
Glad you like it bro! Welcome!
Werkz smooth and yo make it look easy can tha beatkangz software compete with it at all?
They are different monsters. They both have a very similar workflow, very close to hardware, probably the best two I’ve used.
I think beat thang is gonna blow it away once you mix it with the hardware. The thing for this is the hardware controls everything, so that makes it very dope.
beat thang is going to do that, as well as be a stand alone hardware machine, so it will be totally different.
I couldn’t pick one if I had to. lol
yeah thats serious you gon make me buy this item as well thanks for the vid
an thefact that you didnt use the gui is tight yeah keep makin the vids peace
It is serious man, I’ve never used anything like it. It’s a totally new experience with software. And knowing it’s software, means it can continue to grow and evolve…that is exciting to me.
west coast for life thank u man but we want some dirty south crunk beats a.t.l style
Thanks bro, glad you liked it. I’ll see what I can do…atl really aint my thang lol.
looks ill and mad easy to use…but I’m a old head, ASR’s and MPC’s…still a little hesitant about transitioning with the learning curve, latency etc,etc. the beat thang looks similar to the ASR-X (hardware version)… so it’s a toss up between that and MV8800 for my next piece of gear.
I feel ya bro! I’m an old head too…Im just transitioning, beat thang will be my piece of hardware dude…I just don’t think anything will be able to touch it, unless roland releases an absolute monster with the mv9000 or whatever.
beat thang is going to be the illest thing to hit the streets in a long time man.
man joe, that was a nice way you made that beat from scratch, you are really good with making music, I would like to watch more videos to get more tips, on making beats and music.
Thanks Curt man, it’s all a blessing to be able to do this man. Glad I can help ya and entertain you as well! Welcome to the site man!
Nyce, on some 2 pulls & pass *ish! Curious are you running your keys via the midi port in Maschine? To bad you can only mute and swing by group (at the moment) that would allow for some extra feeling on some sounds & f/x. BTW, have you checked out the Pre-Bass soundpak/instrument by NI? Ooooh, man I can envison bass licks with that along w/that groove you just laid down. Hmm, come to think of it…you have that NI coupon don’t cha’? I’m just saying
I think we may need to hear more of the new Maschine soundpak before we could co-sign it though. A last thought…with Beat Thang street release soon approaching..I’m curious if NI is holding back specific performance updates (pending v1.1) due to this not only would it trump the Thang on price but particular features as well? Granted BT is more of a all enclosed-portable unit but other than that the competition is going to be fierce this fall (oh, well there goes part of my tuition).
Peace & Blessings
I’m going to have to get my hands on that pre-bass, but it’s for the kontakt player and not maschine. I’m really interested in what expansion NI will come up with for Maschine tho! I don’t think NI is holding back because of the Beat Thang…because at the end of the day, the Beat Thang is still a standalone unit that has seamless software integration, that’s how hardware SHOULD be these days.
I don’t think maschine and beat thang are in the same group, the people that need to worry about the Beat Thang are roland, akai, korg, etc.
You best beleive, I’ll have a Beat Thang and I’ll be doing tons of videos on it like everything else
Thanks for stopping by homie!
Hmm…I didn’t consider that, I was thinking along the lines of user demographics. In regards to the soundpaks/samples if I’m not mistaken one should be able to import .wav and/or .ksb files into the Maschine library also if you’re a Kontakt user that may allow you to save/convert sound files for use within Maschine/Kore thus allowing you to “tag” your sounds and create your own library. The pending 1.1 update should address this and some other issues including .rex file support. BTW, NI has just put out their 1st Maschine soundpak and Pre-Bass can be used as a Kore/Kontakt instrument *(Maschine midi mode should hot for that). Personally I anticipate (or hope) for better controller intergration/mapping between Maschine/Kore(midi-mode) and other NI sound products. Sorry if I’m a tad long-winded, I just get a little geeked when it comes to toys like this. Now if I may ask…just what’s your weapon of choice (DAW)? For example FL Studio w/it’s step sequencing and perhaps mapping that feature for Maschine.
I hear ya on the sound/samples. As it stands, Maschine can’t import kore sounds or kontakt samples….would be cool tho. And what Mashine soundpack did they release? I haven’t seen one yet, what is it? I’d like to see them focus more on the library of maschine and give up some more options for real instruments making it a complete workstation pretty much. I’m not saying it needs to replace Kore, cuz with midi out, maschine plus kore can be the killer app…especially if it can resample Kore’s or any vst that it is sequencing, output!
Don’t worry about being longwinded man, that’s what this site is for bro! As far as Daws go, it’s ableton live all the way for me right now…though Cakewalk Sonar is about to implement “cell based” recording similar to abletons clips, I want to check that out.
Here’s those NI product links:
Well the maschine drums are more of a collection of the current library in KoreSounds format for those who don’t have Maschine (an earlier description made it seem like a library extension…I was mistaken on that).
Oh yeah…I saw those a few weeks back, I thought you saw something else like a new expansion…I knew Maschine was coming so I wasn’t too interested in maschine drums.
Pretty cool track, so i’m guessing Maschine pads have that good ole’ MPC feel!
Thanks Lou…they are not exactly like the mpc, but pretty close. A lil bit stiffer but that’s prolly cuz they new. I’m getting more used to them, and I like them.
Do you think it is better for me to sell my MPC 1000 for this?
That’s a tough question man, it really depends on how you work and what you need. If you have a bunch of external gear you sequence with your mpc, then you prolly want to keep it. If there are specific features you like about the mpc you prolly want to keep it. If you like making music AWAY from the computer sometimes, then keep your mp. However, if you find yourself using computers more in your production, one more options, more memory, and quick access to all the samples on your hard drive…then look into this. I can make that decision for ya…I like it, I think it’s dope, but I haven’t sold my mpc, maybe I will, maybe I’ll just keep it. But maschine is dope any way you look at it, and it’s VERY quick to do stuff on.
yo that was hot man. pleases keep making these vids!
Thanks bro, will do!