Mackie Big Knob Studio Review


Mackie sent over the Big Knob Studio a few months back for me to check out. This is one of 3 models in the Big Knob series.

If you’re not familiar, the Big Knob is a montor controller for studio setups that has been around for many years. The idea is pretty simple, a big knob (along with things like mute, dim, and talkback) to give you direct control over your studio monitoring situation as well as make it easy to do quick comparisons.

I’ve been using the Big Knob Studio, which also doubles as an audio interface if you want it to.

Overall my thought is that you don’t realize how useful something like this can be, until you have it and then try to work without it.

Build quality is nice, the controls are smooth, and the functionality is useful. I did notice a bit of coloration on the 3/4 inputs when you crank it, so I personally left it at 0 and just adjusted the input beforehand.

It’s easy to see why the Mackie Big Knob has been so popular over the years, it’s simple but effective and definitely worth checking out.

Buy the Big Knob Studio:

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