Kick Free Revolution house music top loop samples


Today I’m back with another sound hound for ya! Gotta checkout the sounds!

I got something different than the normal you may be used to.

My taste in music and musical styles is very diverse, as is the taste and styles of the folks on the site.

So today I want to checkout something more along the lines of house and electronic music.

I’m checking out Sounds of Revolution’s Kick Free Revolution….a follow up to their very popular volume 1.

What is Kick Free Revolution?

If I had to choose one word, it would be “groove”.

This is a collection of funky, groovy top loops…you know..

the stuff that moves the track along?

No synths, no bass, no pads or fx, straight up top loops…

glitches, blips, and other funkiness to give your track that “life”

Quick Specs

  • Content: 611 24-bit Wav loops and one-shots
  • Format: Rex2, RMX, ESX, Kontakt, Apple Loops
  • Price: 46,95 Euros = $64.32

How do they sound?

Authentic…at least to me.

Now I may not be an authority on house music, but I know a groove when I hear it…and I also know the types of sounds I look for.

Experimental glitches, blips and bleeps…funky breaks and percussion, all with room to add your own kicks and drums to the mix.

Well recorded, well produced and just plain fun to play.

This is the first sample collection I have reviewed from them, and I can see why people like their products…they give you what you need, nothing more.

I look at top loops as the icing on the cake, or if you want to go minimal they can be the whole cake!

But they have to sound good and be recorded well, these loops live up to that challenge.

So what’s the bottom line?

This is a good collection for those that like to step out of the norm when it comes to sounds they incorporate into their music.

Or it’s great for those specifically looking for some funky house grooves to add to their productions.

I give this collection a 4 out of 5 subs.

I like the overall feel of the collection, and it’s very useful.

I did feel it got a bit repetitive in some parts, but not much, mainly in the glitchy sounds and loops…

but then again, a glitch is a glitch and the way they were produced provides enough variety.

Taking into account the target of the collection…”top loops” it lives up to and provides a great collection of grooves you can quickly infuse into your tracks.

Go on and check them out, download some demos and see what you think. Kick Free Revolution

As usual…let me know what you think by leaving me a comment below.


  1. good review , I am a fan of electro music and MAN it seems like all the radio music is now all electro music based..3 oh 3 , lady gaga , that chris brown ” i can transform u ” is SUPER ELECTRONIC…well u get the pic…makes me happy cause it opens the door for alot more people to sell beats..keep up the good work

  2. This is an interesting loop/sound pack to say the least. I’m feeling the FatLoud & SampleMagic catalogs more for my taste though, perhaps I’m just partial to more of the deep/soulful genres of the style. Don’t get me wrong I love groups like Kraftwerk, 808 State, Boards of Canada & Sweetback. I suppose as you’ve said this pack could seem challenging to some.
    By the way how’s your take on SampleMagic’s book on house music coming along?

    • Yeah…I wouldn’t compare it to the SampleMagic or FatLoud stuff at all, those are really more complete, I just looked at this for what it was…more minimal, top level dressings.

      The book is awesome, but I have two books to finish lol…that one and Beat Tips manual from Sa’id….so I’m taking my time on both.

      This was definitely an interesting pack, I think it can be useful especially if you get experimental like I do lol.

  3. great reveiw i got the sample pak iamm check em out thanks sj ohh bye the way iam filling maschine i goin deeper wit it thanks again an bye the way just got that trillian so sick. sounds like a real guitar,bass, ect, an the synths are crazy they put old synths its just crazy but thanks again

  4. why would you give it 4 out of 5.. i would give it a 10 🙂 because i only do edm production not crap music (hip hop) production. im against this so called electronic dance influenced thing. if your going to do hip hop stay in hiphop… dont try to go recreate rave and edm because you guys suck at doing it.. your defintion of electro is putting alot of vsti together LOL

    and watch out for my new song called “fuck hip hop and rap” lmfao

    • @WTFjones, lol…you sound bitter bro, it’s not that serious lol. Take a few deep breaths….there you go.

      Considering I’ve lked to listen to electro, techno, rave, etc way before I ever knew what a vst was or before “crap hip hop” producers “infused” it into “crap hip hop” you really have no idea what my definition is. And why does it even matter?

      Unlike you, I like all types of music, period. So you don’t like hip hop, so what lol…is that supposed to upset me lol, I don’t care, theres plenty of folks that don’t make or like hip hop, it’s called variety preference…what a concept huh?

      If you want to give it 10, get with the company, review it, and give it 10, simple as that. I enjoyed messing with this, the company enjoyed the demo I did, so it’s all good. I hate when folks try to put rules and boundries on music, there are no rules, only music, stop getting mad because “crap hip hop producers” get more attention with their “electronic dance infused thing” than you do lol.

      Lastly, I welcome all comments, I enjoy the dialog, but next time please watch your profanity on my site, thanks 🙂

      • @saintjoe, it typical of black person would say of what you just said. maybe you need acknowledge that this review is crap and why crap music producer doesn’t gives a ***t about it. just stick to reviewing crap music products and leave our edm products alone. 🙂 we hate outsiders

        • @WTFjones, like I said you sound bitter lol, or maybe you’re tryin to get some traffic to your site. Oh yeah you probably thought the black person comment would get me going huh? Sorry to disappoint you on that one good sir, Lol, you’re doing nothing but making yourself look bad. Remember you came to this site I didn’t come find you lol.

          Oh yeah, SOR contacted me about doing a review on this product, it’s obvious the actual creators of the product you would “give 10 to” and feel “crap music producers” should leave alone, don’t have the same views as you lol, so you may not want to use the term “we” so liberally 🙂

          Thanks again for the comments.


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