I will soon be reviewing products for American Musical Supply


Hey just a heads up, I recently applied to be a part of the American Musical Supply reviewer/blogger program.

What this means is that they will send me products to review based on my area of expertise.

I do not get to pick what products they send, but I do get to keep them when I’m done.

So yeah, that’s a gear fanatics dream!

One of you actually sent me the link about them looking for reviewers so shot out to whoever sent it, I was in the middle of moving one of my sites to a new server so I sorta forgot who sent it over.

If you remember sending it please let me know so I can thank you personally!

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you’ll start seeing some reviews for AMS products on the site, I’m definitely looking forward to it.

Should be fun!


    • Thanks man, I won’t have any control over what they send but I will definitely give yall my honest opinion as always 🙂 It may or may not be something you’re into, but it will be fun and should open up SAG to a new set of viewers/readers too. I’d imagine I will get some stuff that I normally don’t review so it will be cool!


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