Big Fish Friday: Gospel Musicians Talkbox Jr review


Hey what’s good fam!

Back with another plate of fish for you, it’s Big Fish Friday and today I’m checking out a fairly new product from Jamal over at

This is called Talkbox Jr, and it’s a really cool plugin

Let’s check it out!

So what is Talkbox Jr?

talkboxjrIf you know anything about the talbox and music that is created using it, then you know it’s a very unique instrument that allows you to “play” your voice like a synth.

Well, this library features patches that actually work with a real talkbox, so you don’t have to use any special keyboard with it.

It also contains vocal samples and hits that allow you to add some talkbox flavor to your own tracks without the need of owning an actual talkbox.

Finally there’s the synth portion of the library, yes it actually has bass, synth, leads, organ, and other instruments as well as plenty of synth parameters for you to play with.

So this is a talkbox…”extended”, a very unique and character driven instrument.

Quick Specs

How does it sound?

Reel to Reel Tape RecorderI think it faithfully captures the sound of a person that knows how to use the talkbox.

If you’ve ever listened to any Roger Troutman/Zapp, then you know what I’m talking about. Sure he wasn’t the only one to do it, but he’s arguably the best that did it, and made it popular.

However many artists and groups have used it over the years and continue to do so, some better than others. This library captures the talkbox in use by Byron Chambers, one of the most well known users of the device in current times.

I love that you can actually play with the different vocal hits, and they aren’t long phrases so you can string them together however you see fit. It really has a cool, classic sound, and Jamal went through putting his own twist on it, giving us multiuple versions to play with, each with it’s own unique style.

Also, there are some really useful synth sounds, and the parameters in the interface allow you to really tweak them as you see fit.

I can’t comment specifically on the actual patches made for use with a talkbox, as I don’t own one…but they seem to cover that classic as well as new school sound

So what’s the bottom line?

What I dig about Gospel Musician’s is that he continues to make things in his own unique way. Instead of following the trends and doing what everyone else does, he does the things that seem to actually put a smile on his own face first, and that shows in his libraries.

4andhalfsubsI give Talkbox Jr 4.5 out of 5 subs, I think it sounds great, has an amazing interface, and is totally fun to play.

If you didn’t grow up listening to music with the talkbox in it, you may not “get it” but for me, I feel myself grinning as I go through playing this short hits over my own tracks.

I highly suggest you checkout his demo videos, as he goes into it much deeper and even has some showing the use of the actual talkboxย

leave a comment below and let me know what you think!

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  1. SJ: The Talkbox Jr is dope!! Creation heaven here. I rate this at a 4.7/5.0. Enough said. After your review & inside look…I’m buying.
    Thanks for the peep….


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