Big Fish Audio Rock Cinema review


Hey what’s good fam, it’s Friday, so you know what time it is

Big Fish Friday

Today, I’m checking out the “Rock Cinema” library

let’s check it

What is Rock Cinema?

It’s a collection of loops and riffs that capture the style of rock based soundtrack and cinematic music.

Think movies and trailers with a Rock feel to it.

Not so much hard Rock as it is just guitar based music with more of an ambient or cinematic theme to it.

It’s a construction kit but comes in their KLI Kontakt format for quick auditioning and tweaking


Quick Specs

  • content: 4.2GB
  • format: Wav, Rex, Apple, Acid, RMX, Kontakt (full)
  • price: $99.95

How does it sound?

You may think “I don’t really mess with Rock samples” but you’d be missing out.

These aren’t just your average Rock style loops, they really have a thematic, cinematic, ambient feel to them.

I really dig the wide delayed guitars, some of which have a nice amount of reverb on them to create extra space.

There’s also nice live bass, punchy acoustic drums, some ambient keys and even synth pads and leads can be found in this collection.

Recording quality is well done, no weird glitches or artifacts to worry about

The loops themselves are well played and long enough with plenty of variety to keep you busy

What’s the bottom line?

This is a nice library with some very useful loops and riffs

I like the style of the guitars and keys in here, they have a nice soundtrack feel to them, good for chopping up or using as the backdrop of a track.

I give Rock Cinema 4 out of 5 subs, plenty of variety with well recorded riffs and instrument loops to give you lots of material to work with.

I also like that they are in Kontakt format, it just makes for quick browsing and auditioning of the samples.

I do wish we could adjust the sliced loops but that’s no fault of Big Fish that is a limitation of the Kontakt scripting engine.

Overall, it’s a good product, definitely check it out if you’re looking for something a little different than the norm.

Also don’t forget Big Fish is having a Labor Day sale, 20% off the entire site, 10% off virtual instruments

Leave a comment below, let me know what you think


  1. Yo all the KLI stuff is damn near 5 stars to me just because of he format. I mean some libraries Are better than others but you can be more free with them. I hope they make all that way.

  2. Hey I hardly hear your voice, its too low. This library quality seems great in your review but doesn’t have enough free styles right? I mean like if I need to play my own chords, Rhythms, etc…

  3. Big Fish Friday Yes!!! Yes!!!
    SJ: This kit “Rocks”…From your video review the sounds appear clear & original. The loops seem plentiful. Thanks for giving us an inside look into this one.


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