Yo what’s good fam! Back with another review for ya.
If you’re looking for some new synth type sounds for Kontakt then you may want to check this one out.
It’s called Digital Love Child and it’s from Synthmagic
Has a really cool custom interface created by Flavours of Lime also…good stuff.
So let’s peep it!
So what is Digital Love Child?
This is a new instrument that combines sounds from various awesome synthesizers like the Moog Phatty, Kawai K5, Sid Chip, 1000p, Quasimidi synths, Korg synths, etc…and all run through valve pre-amps for a classic sound.
What’s so interesting about it, is that it’s not a “hey here is a recreation of an old synth” type of library.
It allows you to take the basic building blocks and waveforms from these various instruments and use them to play and create new sounds.
It’s an instrument all it’s own moreso than it is a sample based copy of the synths it is derived from.
Quick Specs
- content: about 2gb
- format: kontakt 4.2.3 and newer (full version)
- price: 14.95 Euro (about $19 USD)
So How does it sound?
I love how it sounds. What you get with so many different sources is a lot of different textures to build with.
Don’t let the name fool you, their are some pretty thick analog sounds in here as well as smooth airy digital pads, metalic leads and synths, morphing drones and moving atmospheres.
It feels and sounds like it’s own instrument thanks to the mixture of waveforms and the tweakability of the interface mixed with the included FX
Everything has been recording in high quality yet definitely captures the “imperfect” vibe of the valve pre-amps that were used
You can get deep bass, smooth pads, crazy drones…all from the same instrument and all with totally different “feels” to them.
So what’s the bottom line?
This is the type of stuff I LOVE to come across. The smaller developers making really cool stuff that the larger companies don’t really “take a chance” on.
You can tell Digital Love Child is a labor of love for Steve and it shows. The attention to detail of the sounds and the preset programming really shows of the strengths of the library.
I give this 4 out of 5 subs, it’s a really great instrument with it’s own feel and own identity. The custom interface really makes it quick to tweak and even build from scratch to come up with your own sounds.
At just under 20 bucks, this is definitely a case of getting WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than what you pay for.
I’m not complaining, just saying…the amount of content and usability of the instrument is really cool.
Go check it out: http://www.synthmagic.co.uk/digitallovechild.htm
Have a look around at his other stuff too, some cool things going on over there
leave a comment below, let me know what you think
it looks and sounds pretty cool saint….
word man, thanks for checking it out
And yet another interesting find. One can’t complain about the price either. My dilemma is should I get this even though there’s a lot I have yet to explore with the synths in Reaktor and Absynth? Decisions, decisions..
yes, that is always the decision
This is great and so are other products on their site! Good find. I think Reaktor and Absynth are very diff then these because these are very analogue and warmer in a lot of respects though I love my NI synths!
Yup, I totally agree, totally different sounds/styles.
I really don’t need another synth, but you know? I remember this guy did at end of last year a special sale for homeless people. All money from sale goes directly to charity. $20? No problem. He got my respect
No doubt, I feel you there! Thanks for checking it out.
some good sounds bro
no doubt fam, thanks for watching
SJ: Synthmagic brought out the “Love” with this library. Unique strong sounds that will satisfy many. Thanks for giving us a peep into this one.
yeah man, they did a great job
This is a must have. The price is right, the sounds are versatile…can’t go wrong. Nice find. Thanks, man.
yes indeed man, nice little library
Yo SJ…I bought this from the Synth Magic site as well as another Synth Plugin called Sound of The Quadra. I am running Them in Kontakt on Mac 10.6.8…. and there is this horrible audible click on both instruments that i cant get rid of! at first i thought it was just heavy on the RAM and CPU memory so I purged and all that good stuff, but then i realized that I use Instruments that use WAY more CPU like Broken Wurli and others and they all work just fine. Ive been trynna get in contact with Synth Magic by the email they have on their Website, but in 48 hours and after 3 emails,no response. Just frustrated that I spent $70 and cant get a response. any suggestions?
Steve is usually very responsive, I wonder if he’s away on holiday or something? As for the click, I never ran into any clicks or glitches with his instruments, they’ve been super smooth for me. Maybe try downloading them again seeing if something didn’t get messed up in the download? As for contact, I would definitely expect him to get back to you soon, he’s usually very quick with stuff like that.
You called it. Said he was on Vacay… It is odd to me too man. Im gonna go home and see if I have better luck today than before. If Not I will try to Download again. He said he’s never ran into it either, so we will see. Thanks for the ideas.
yeah man, I’ve found that a lot of folks over there go on “holiday” at the same time
yes was away on a vacation and could not get to my mails everyday. Sorted the problem out for Haze Anatomy.
Cool thanks for the follow up!