Vir2 World Impact Global Percussion instrument


Time for another big fish friday baby!

This week we looking at some percussion

world percussion!

I’m checking out World Impact Global Percussion from Vir2

What is World Impact?

It’s a super deep toolbox of percussion sounds from all over the world.

Asia, Africa, South and North America, Europe, Middle East, and a folder dedicate to the Taiko drum!

In addition to all the authentic sounding drums, shakers, and tuned instruments like steel drums, vibraphones, glocks, etc…

you also get a mini sequencer!

Well, it’s like a 16 step sequencer that you can use to trigger patterns of the percussion instruments.

You get access to humanization features, eq, and the ez room reverb engine.

Quick Specs

  • Content: 13GB of 24 bit wave samples
  • Format: Kontakt Player instrument
  • Price: $399

How does it sound?

Like they recorded real percussion instruments and put them in my computer…

Well that’s what the did lol.

No really, the recording quality is superb and the programming of the instruments is great.  You may think there isn’t much you can do do a percussion library, but it sounds really good.

Most of the instruments were recorded dry, so it’s not drowned in fx. This allows it to keep it’s natural sound…yet you can add any fx you wish.

The sounds work well for anyone from film scoring ninja composers to bedroom house producers.

Anyone that like realistic and high quality percussion samples….

What’s the bottom line?

This is a very decent library, there are tons of instrument in here that I had no idea even existed…let alone how to pronounce their names!

If you’re like me and always looking for some really good percussion to sprinkle in your music, at least check out the demos of this library.

I give it a 4 out of 5 subs, well recorded, tons of variety, and actually useful.

I can see me layering these sounds with my other drum samples to spice things up…as well as letting them roll on their own.

Any way you do it, these samples just work out right.

Go on over and listen to the demos and see for yourself.  World Impact: Global Percussion

leave me a comment below, let me know what you think


  1. everythingbutthegirl · Edit

    Hi Joe

    Thanks for the preview man! As alive preforming percussionist myself I’m always looking for different percussive elements to add to my arsenal.

    Luv it!

    I’ll be checking this out. Cheers mate!


    • cool man, yeah…I wish I had access to live percussion, but this sounds pretty dope to me.

      i like that it’s not really “epic focused” like a lot of other libraries, it’s all natural. Yet with the features and reverbs you can make epic sounding drums easily.

  2. What’s up. Nice review, great sounds in there. I’m always looking for unique percussion. Seems like you could get some great layers and sounds happening in there.

    Nice thorough review as well. Seems like there’s tons of stuff in there to play with. I’ve been getting into recording ambient sort of stuff and industrial rock. I also listen to a lot of Tom Waits who uses a ton of percussion. A lot of the stuff you previewed in there could really work in an industrial ambient sort of setting. It’d give a unique sort of Waits-ish slant to it.

    • No doubt! I LOVE ambient/chillout stuff…hence why I love percussion. I really like some of the shakers and stuff, but the other drums would be cool to layer with regular drum samples…it’s a great percussive toolbox that sounds real.

  3. Ayo these sounds are recorded so clean. Another great review dude.
    I gotta admit I busted out laughin when you said ” this folder contains all the instruments from Africa” I’m thinkin damn all the instruments from Africa?

    This is definitely another one I’ll be snatchin up.

    • Uhhhm no, if you want it, go buy it.

      I don’t support piracy at all and I would highly appreciate if you don’t request for me to send you software illegally.

      that’s not what this site is about at all.

  4. everythingbutthegirl · Edit

    Yer Joe!

    What I loved when watching your vid is the fact that the sounds sounded as if I where playing the drums myself and I could hear the different tonality of the drum being struck.

    Whether it was a muted, open or slap tones, it was there.

    Luving it!

  5. Hi.
    I have bought World Impact library 2 month ago from BigFishAudio online store.
    But still can’t work with library.
    I have found problems – taiko samples includes 10-200 ms delay before instrument sound starts.
    TECH SUPPORT promised fix problems,
    BUT STILL NO REPLY FROM TECH SUPPORT more then 2 month!!!!

    • @andre, sorry to hear of your trouble, not sure what else to do but keep putting the pressure on their support to fix it. I didn’t notice any such issues, I did have a couple instruments with missing samples, but they did an update to fix that.


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