Ueberschall Jazz Colors Elastik library review


Yo what’s good fam, it’s Friday, time for some Big Fish!

Had some things going on last week but I’m back at ya with a new dosage!

Just in time for the summer, got something to cool ya off a lil bit!

Today I’m checking out Jazz Colors, another library from Ueberschall

so let’s get it!

What is Jazz Colors?

It is a complete jazz loop and sound tool kit.

It covers bebop, swing, ballad, latin, hardbop, smooth and fusion jazz styles.

It comes in the elastik player and everything is broken out by tempo, key, instrument, etc.

It includes the various parts of the song, including the full backing tracks ( I like to treat these like samples from songs and records, really cool)

You can also browse the kits by section like intro/outro, part a, part b, and part c.

So it’s easy to find parts of a song that go together, but for me, with the elastik browser I just like to browse by sound and not specific loops/kits.

Being able to find horns, strings, bass, etc, regardless of what kit they belong to is dope.

How does it sound?

Sounds like Jazz, real talk.

They covered a broad spectrum here so there’s something for any jazz lover.

From the smooth and laid back sounds of smooth jazz and ballad to the more upbeat fast sounds of latin and bebop, everything is covered.

As usual with Ueberschall, the records are done well and have a nice tone to them that is really true to the styles they are capturing.

Everything has a nice warm tone to it, really makes it feel like you’re digging into some old master tapes.

I like the variety of sounds and tempos, and the fact that it has all types of keys and guitars.

I do wish there were some single drum hits, maybe they were there and I missed them.

There’s plenty of horns, gotta have horns if you got a Jazz library!

What’s the bottom line?

Bottom line is I dig it. As I said before, with the previous Elastik player I stayed away from Ueberschall libraries, but the way they updated it and make finding sounds by type, genre, or whatever, very simple, I love it.

I use it as a straight librarian and use it to quickly find the sounds I need, then I just export the waves and drop them into Maschine, ready to chop.

I also like how they really get into the sound they are going for.

If it says Jazz, it sounds like Jazz and it will be mixed like Jazz. This means you will sometimes find some imperfections in the sound as in it may be lower in some parts, etc. Everything isn’t normalized and limited to death, the tracks have life and sound like actual music, not just a sample library.

I give Jazz Colors 4 out of 5 subs, really dope library that captures the sounds of Jazz many of us have been sampling for years.

I think there are some gems in this library, and in the Ueberschall catalog on a whole. If you can get past them being in the Elastik player, you’ll find yourself in front of a large ecosytem of dope sounds!

Anything you add to elastik becomes browsable by type, genre, tempo, whatever.

So you don’t have to browse by library, just need a bass? Find it, no matter which library it’s from…that’s dope!

Go on over and checkout the demos, let me know what you think: http://www.bigfishaudio.com/detail.html?512363

leave me a comment below, I wanna hear your opinion.

Also don’t forget to checkout the July 4th sale Big Fish is having, 30% off of any order of $99 or more: http://www.bigfishaudio.com/4th-of-july-sale-2011.html


  1. Seriously nice review, i love that you let the sounds talk for them self in the video and actually work with them, in stead of just playing them as much reviewers does.

    I really digg the library, def gonna go on my wishlist.

  2. wat up st joe i was really groovin to that beat man found my self play my bass to it yeah man i like thes sounds too but check this out i found myself trying to revamp your bass line on your theam song when reviews open up i think you would like it wish there a way you could hear it anyway thank for doing what you do here and on maschine tutorial web site

  3. SJ,Thanks for displaying another great video & providing a view of what this product has to offer. After chopping the loops & putting your touch on the sounds,I must say that I may have to look into this one. Having that jazzy,down tempo sound is a must if you like to create that “Tribe Called Quest” old skool sound. (*Complete a full beat,& let me know…”What’s UP”… 🙂

    • @Baddboy2000, yeah it’s really fun to “dig” in this new browser man. all of their libraries become one huge library and I can just focus on the sounds I want, no need to worry about which library it’s from. I can just pick keys, or bass, horns, etc. It’s dope.

  4. I tell you St.Joe the jazz thing was alright but about a month ago you did a review on some old school funk type stuff I forgot the name but they were long samples and man I tell you they were off the chain the jazz is cool but the funk is better. Thanks for all the reviews.

    • @Dukemoney, yep, two different products with two different concepts, both can be useful just depends on what ya looking for. Thanks for the comment as always fam, I appreciate it!

  5. Saint Joe! Thanks again for displaying the goods! Your site is a mainstay on my browser for that reason. As a matter of fact, your reviews are the main reason I purchased a couple of soundsets from Big Fish recently, however I’ve been trying to contact them about the links they sent me and I get no answers on the phone, no response to e-mails, and it’s SERIOUSLY pissing me off–to the point where I’m ready to blast them on every forum I can. Have you ever had any dealings with their support staff? Its just crazy to offer support and basically be absentee.


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