You know what it is fam, just giving you a heads up, traumah just released another free kit as he gets ready to put another dope drum kit on the market.
I know cats that improved their drum library 100% just by getting the free stuff lol, I never heard anyone that got the full kits that wasn’t satisfied.
Anyway, new freebies, you know we all love free stuff, so check em out!
Head over to and download the joints….NOW!
People always hit me up AFTER he takes them down asking if I can send them…uhhh…no lol, they not my drums!
Get the freebies while they free.
thanks again bra
@T-minus Ent, word man, enjoy!
that’s what’s up!
@TeeBlack, no doubt fam
One time I subbed for his kits. I think it was his 2 or 3.5 kit, but they sounded very amateur, like they were recorded in his kitchen lol.
@Brian, lol, probably cuz I bet he made a sharker wit some noodles or something lol, I wouldn’t say they sounded amateur, just different, way more unique than most of the cliche kits folks are selling. But of course like anything else, it’s all personal tastes.
man you know i like this
st joe you always co sign the best
@The Architect, word fam, I try to find what’s hot man!
Hey Saintjoe,
It’s been a while I have not been in touch. I see you’re still breathing audio. Keep it movin’ man.
Regarding Traumah Drums sounds, I bought the armory kit when it was released and I was not that much impressed. I paid some good money for so little. That was really disappointing and I have not bought any other kit from him since then. Let me check, may be there are some nice sounds to grab, who knows…
@Kennedy Ribeiro, no doubt bro, glad to see ya! I understand, as with anything, everyone will not like the same thing, and maybe even not everything from a company even if they like some of it. It’s all good, I’m glad he gives out free stuff too man, so folks can get an idea of what they are getting.
Thanks for the input as always!
I own bout everything this dude has put out, just didnt buy the loop thing he did as I just am not into his flava of programing , but I gotta say these things really DO hit, and if you stack them? wow . I have come up with some really NICE drum sounds using all of these, I admit they are pricey… But they seem to be worth it in the long run as these are not run of the mill sounds.
@RelicofRIP, I agree fam, I stay away from the loops as well but the drums knock, good to hear from ya as always man, how you been!
traumah i hear ya,,,,thats what ium looking for,to change the game,,,ohh you emailed me this morning a new free kits but but the page said not found,,,,so nothing was there,,,i got the other two you sent me last week,,,but today i didnt get your newist free kit download,,,if you have time can you email me your free lateist kits thanks man,,,ohh i have komplete elemnts software but one problem,,,it dose not playback,,,,,is it some tipe of way to load the sounds and instruments into my beatthang v? fill free to get back to me thanks man,,,GOD bless,,,keep the talent going
@nadir, this isn’t traumah’s website, he will not answer you here. Komplete elements will not load in beatthang, btv does not support vst or au plugins, you need a program that can host plugins to use komplete elements sounds. Something like flstudio, reaper, logic, cubase, ableton, maschine, etc.
Yo is this still up for free?
@Hanny, yes I believe so, over on his site you may have to look down a few posts.
thanks for the reply saint, but just an fyi the only thing on his site is the Guerrilla Warfare drum kit for $146.00 and that 30 minute video of him demonstrating it. Guess I missed it
@Hanny, they do that when they release a new kit, just check back once they take that sale down, the blog will be back up and you should be able to find the freebies
Thanks bro! Good lookin’ out.
good talk…now lets hear these drumx!
@grizz, word, def check them out
Thanks Joe, you’re the man when it comes down to get the insider info’s. Most of his kicks and snares are just stacked and flanged&bitcrushed from other sample libraries. Still o.k. as long as they are free.
But I’d never support that dude paying for anything. He’s false. Sending that spam out daily after promising he wouldn’t. I unsubscribed like three times already…. I wouldn`t support that dude even if he was the only one on earth releasing drums sounds.
Though, he does have some talent in creating unique percussion sounds. Still I can’t stand that dude for how he approaches his business. Tellin nothing but lies.
“never heard before drumsounds” -> “hundreds of thousands of tracks in TV & music using traumah drums” etc. !!!
Thanks for showing us the free kit though. And NOT THANKS for supporting that guy in ways of promotion. (I know! how should you tell us about the free kit without mentioning his name, that’s a tough one
See Joe, I love your site and what you’re doing because of the way you do it! Nothing but the truth! If traumah was anything like you, I`d surely reconsider my opinion on giving him my money.
You rock! Joe
And the award for the best “NOT-A-REAL-PRODUCER with the biggest amount of email and youtube accounts to act as if he really had positive feedback” goes to:
Traumah Drums
(sorry for flaming that guy via your great site, Joe)
@Michael, and bro! Did Traumah make you mad son
I do get replies from folks that actually buy/use the drums, so I doubt bruh is making fake email accounts to act like a customer lol. That’d be crazy.
But again, thanks for the feedback fam!
Just like anything else, it depends on your taste and what you’re looking for.
@Michael, Some of them are dope if you want that sound, just depends on what ya want. You went IN on my dude though lol, dang son!! He cool peeps, but the marketing can def get a lil “over the top” at times. But hey, I can’t knock another man’s biz style ya know? I just do me and put the info out there.
thanks for the reply fam!
Sorry, for goin IN on your dude. Should keep calm as usual. Your word is the truth. Just wished Dan would be more like you and less “over the top”. Except for the spam I don’t bother with him nomore.
His drum-design-work is great though. He should be makin’ some hits and not hard-selling drumsounds online.
Imagine you focus 1 day on creating some unique drumsounds for your own productions. You would end up with something as the traumahdrum libraries. Still I don’t see how I could make mills of that and rather focus on them hits, am I wrong?
Peace bro
@Michael, It’s cool fam, this is an open spot, you know that! As for making drums, hey, lots of folks don’t want to take the time to do it, so they pay others to. Mills? Who knows, but if you can make money off of something you enjoy and would be doing anyway, I’m all for it. Mix that in with tv placements, working with artists, or whatever, and you good.
So I never can knock someone doing what they enjoy and getting paid for it, I have my own thoughts on marketing and such, and I just do my own thing my own way.
But Traumah is def a cool dude yo, hardcore salesman for sure, but just a cat trying to do what he enjoy and make a living like the rest of us.
Always appreciate the input fam, no need to apologize here homie!
Hmm you tell’in tha’ truth about the matter! Do ya thing cause I am ready for my piece of tha’ pie!
word fam, that’s whasup
there a saying you never stop learning thank you very much for your advise,
@orel, glad you find the site useful, thanks for the comment.
man I can’t wait… thanks in advance.
@jblaze, no doubt fam, thanks for the reply
Yo whaddup brah,im anxious to hear those kits
cool, check em out fam
@saintjoe, You have a direct link i can click to download some of them?
@Kanidate, naw you have to get them from his site, he changes the free ones he gives away from time to time.
Top Class beats word up
Can’t wait to check ’em out!
no doubt fam
Cool fam, enjoy!
good stuff. thanks bra
No doubt fam!
Yeah I been buying alot of kits online and they all seem to have the same drum sounds. Good lookin out .
No doubt, thanks for stopping by.
Just getting back into the grove of producing,and I need new kits.
word fam, thanks for stopping by
Thanks for watching fam
Yo man Great kit yo foreal
thanks for checking it out fam
No doubt fam thanks for checking it
Will check out the kit, like to see what the fuss is about. Thanks.
cool, thanks for the comment
No doubt fam!
nice thing
where is the link?
They used to be on his website, maybe he took them down.