Smoker’s Relight Deux Smooth Hip Hop Samples


It’s friday…time for some fish…

This week I’m checking out a library Big Fish sent over entitled “Smoker’s Relight Deux”

It’s a follow up to “Smoker’s Delight” a library I’ve personally been using and continue to use since it released in 2003

If you like laid back, smoked out, jazzy hip hop…then check this out

What is Smoker’s Relight Deux?

eQuipped Music ( back then they were called elab) smashed the downtempo/lounge hip hop sample genre with Smoker’s Delight.

Dub style rhodes chords, flutes, mpc style drum breaks and music samples, brass, and bass..

all with a laid back vibe that just made you want to chill.

It’s one of my favorite collections, so I was very excited to get my hands on the follow up.

At it’s core, Smoker’s Relight is a huge collection of smoked out hip hop samples for those that like their music on the smoother side of hip hop.

You get tons of drums, loops, riffs, chords, fx, and melodies, all with that lounge type vibe.

Quick Specs

  • Content: 5012 24bit loops and samples
  • Format: Rex, Refill, Wav, RMX
  • Price: $199 for the whole dvd, or $69.99 for each of the 3 downloadable sections.

How does it sound?

I LOVE how they produce these libraries. I’m not quite sure what it is about them, but there is a “texture” to these samples.

The variety of sounds and riffs in here is amazing.  The literally hundreds of rhodes chords, the funky musical loops, even the drums are dope.

Some of the drumloops and breaks are SICK. All have that mpc groove that hip hop has been build on for years.

Since so many softwares are able to extract groove templates now, this library doubles as a whole new source of grooves for you too!

The quality is top notch, not a hint of unprofessional recording anywhere in this library.

So what’s the final verdict?

I’ll admit, I’m biased on this one, I love it and I’m not ashamed to say it.  Smoker’s Delight has been the library by which I judge all similar libraries for years, and now with Smoker’s Relight the standard has been set once again.

No question this is a 5 out of 5 subs.

I just love the shear amount of samples in this library, each chord is ready to be the foundation for it’s own track, each loop, riff, and sample are so inspiring that you’re bound to have thousands upon thousands of ideas.

There’s no doubt in my mind I will use sounds from this library for MANY years to come…they just don’t get old, and are so well recorded and produced that it’s hard to get away from them once you start using them.

I also like that Big Fish is allowing folks to download the collection in 3 sets, for a lower price.  Each downloadable volume contains all the loops and samples from 1 tempo. The tempos in this library are 80, 90, and 100 bpm

So if you normally work at a specific tempo, that may be a good way to get into this amazing library, plus with the great times-stretching software around now, it really doesn’t matter what tempo it is!

I say check it out, I was expecting great things and was NOT disappointed at all.

Here’s a search for smoker’s relight on Big Fish that shows all the collections available. Smoker’s Relight collections.

let me know what you think and leave a comment below


  1. yeah man, those loops bring me back to red n black lumber jacks and cross colors lol.. But the sounds are classic. Makes me wonder why I haven’t been buildin up my sound library, I’m new to midi, I’ve mainly been doin everything line-in, but I been slowly building up my technique in both production and mixing to get things to sound as if I’m using a million dollar studio( which is not the case lol) keep it up man..


  2. I picked these up when they come out — NOTHING else compares!! They also did some good work on the Native Instruments KORE — but you need this for the full experience.!!!!!

  3. LOL, I was wondering when you were going to get around to reviewing this one 🙂
    I’m waiting for my copy in the mail (I have to re-order vol.1 as well..that’s what I get for loaning it out) I kind of like having the hard copy disk compared to downloads. So what’s your take on the Breakbeat Jazz & Lounging House libraries? The previews are interesting to say the least.
    How’s your SampleMagic reading coming along? I gotta gather some coins together so I can order that & some other items from SM.

    Peace & Blessings

    • You KNEW it was coming man! Breakbeat Jazz is pretty cool as well, but I haven’t went through it all the way yet. I don’t have loungin house yet but may look into it. Equipped and SampleMagic are the ILLEST when it comes to this style of music in my opinion.

      Still not finished with the book man lol, it’s hard to finish up two books among all the reviews but I promise it will get done lol.

  4. i got half way through the review before i was sold guess you cant,n go wrong with i or duex got to have it there so much to work with as all ways big up to your self keep it comin man

  5. That smokers delight been in my collection for some time pulled it out the other day its hot like you say if people are into that type of sound they need to cop this joint.

  6. I have had this for a while, definitive as far this style goes. Huge amount of content too. I’m like egolds I haven’t used it in a minute. Looks like its time to tag files in Maschine again. (haha)


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