Sample Magic Secrets Of House Music Production book


Funny, I was just talking about not knowing the technical aspects of house music last week, Sample Magic aims to fix that!

They are one of the most well known house music sample production brands around, and now they are releasing an actual book on it.

This is going to be a full color, physical book…and they also will include a limited edition collection of samples with it.

I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but I thought it looked pretty interesting…so I wanted to share it.

secretsThe Secrets of House Music Production

The biggest name in dance sample libraries
brings you the essential guide to producing
cutting-edge house music.

After four years producing award-winning sample collections, Sample Magic share the secrets of house music production in this 144-page full-colour book packed with hundreds of walkthroughs, hints, tips and insights from some of the biggest names in the industry.

All parts of the production process are covered, including: making beats, drum sounds, basslines, structure, instrumentals, FX, mixing, vocals, mastering, remixes, programming ideas and more. Every style of house is covered, from minimal to tribal, electro to progressive, soulful to jackin’.

In-depth tutorials reveal the tricks of the pros, with step-by-step tutorials using Logic, Cubase and Ableton.

A bonus CD includes 500+MB of exclusive samples to get you started. Written by Marc Adamo (DJ Magazine, Future Music) with contributions from Wolfgang Gartner, Way Out West, Sharooz and a foreword by Mark Knight, this is the first time the secrets of house music have ever been fully revealed.

The chapters include: Drums, Bass, Vocals, The Music, Structure, Effects, Mixing, and Outro.


Each chapter is supposed to expound on each topic in depth…I just didn’t feel like posting everything that is going to be in it lol.

You can go check it out on their site 🙂

It will also include that limited 500mb sample collection.

I think this is going to be a good book, one I wouldn’t mind reading myself…just to get a better idea of how house production works technically, so I can mash it up and break the rules anyway!

You can read the full details on their site, the book begins shipping on the 17th of December, 2009 according to the info over there.

check it out:

let me know what you think, would you like to see more books like this, dealing with specific aspects of music produciton? I think it’s cool that folks take the time to do stuff like this.

We love videos and such, but sometimes it’s cool to get away and grab a book.

share ya thoughts in the comments below.


    • computer music is a dope mag man! They always drop some samples and plugins with it lol.

      I didn’t know the conversion but $70 for a rare and dedicated full color book and like you said, with it’s own limited edition sample cd… I think it’s not too bad. We’ll see, hopefully they send over one so I can review it 😉

      Sunset Sessions and Sunrise Sessions are must haves in my opinion, right up there with smoker’s delight.

  1. LOL, you’ve beat me to it. I got caught up w/ holiday activities and forgot to reach out to you about this last week. I have to agree w/Brandon $70 is a tad much for just a “book” good thing it will be bundled w/some sound though. Now my question for SampleMagic…just what flavor of “House” will this publication be targeting? I say this as one coming from the NJ/NYC area and having been exposed to some Chicago based artists. The “House” that I’ve grown up w/ (I’m talking Frakie Knuckles, Tony Humphries, Jelly Bean, M.A.W., Ron Trent, etc.) are from the more formative era or Soulful/Deep styles of this genre. That’s not taking away from any of it’s Euro based offspring (don’t get me wrong they get love as well), it’s just that far too often do I find people using the term loosely i.e. Neo-Soul. Not to mention getting into debates w/others that hesitate to broaden their musical tastes thinking that what they pump in their car is the definitive sound of house music, ignoring the fact the term “house” came from the parties held at a venue dubbed “The Warehouse” in Chicago or that there’s close innovative ties with Hip-Hop,Blues,Soul and Gospel music (just listen to the progressions). Sorry if it seems like a rant I just had to get that one off my chest (I guess I’m showing my age…Club Zanzibar+Broker’s+The Peppermint Lounge+Club Sensations+The Tunnel+Club Vinyl+Club Velvet…etc[NJ/NY]) Those that are familiar know what I’m talking about..LMAO.

    • Even though the description states “it will touch on every style of house”, I can’t help but wonder. This might be better appropriated as a series as compared to a single publication with the pending offering being more of an introduction of which future volumes will allow for more in depth study.

    • Bro I love your input! I will tell you I know NOTHING about the house scene, that’s why this is interesting to me. I just know I love the chords, progressions, and soul of it. I think my idea of house is more soulful than euro as well, but I don’t know lol. I couldn’t name you one house artists…I need to catch up on that, I just know I love the sounds lol.

      Keep sharin man! And The guys from Sample Magic read this site so state what ya feel, and see where it leads

      • Here’s a site I recommend a vist to, keep in mind the site is not “production” oriented. What it is a melting pot of house dj’s from all genres that post their mixtapes for all to listen and comment(think facebook for dj’s w/o a lot of nonsense) this should give you a decent starting point for the various genres out there. The thing I like is that it’s global…dj’s from Alaska to Zaire for real though! In my opinion it’s a good example how the language of music transcends boundaries of language & culture.
        Especially check out the the following styles on the site: Dub House, Dub Step, Deep, Soulful & Gospel. These might be right up your alley especially with you having produced some Gospel Hip-Hip (if I’m not mistaken). And for the more mainstream that we hear Timbaland and others incorporating give Electro House and Minimal a good listen. I’m sure as you listen with an attentive ear you’ll notice some familiar Hip-Hop, Gospel/R&B and Blues progressions. I’ve had limited formal keyboard training (most of my time was spent studying the alto sax) but that little bit did help train my ear a bit. I’m sure you’ll be visiting the site daily as I found myself doing.

  2. Oh I feel you on the age thing, like I’ve been telling Joe in e-mail I’ve been watching Hip Hop since 1987. The other day I caught a picture of Salt (Salt N’ Pepa) and I was like “Maaaaaaaaaaan she’s aged. Oh wait, I’ve aged.”

    I guess this is how a lot of the earliest fans of Jazz felt as their “doomed” music lived past it’s first few years of 20 yr’ old musicians and teenage fans and moved on… forever.

    • LMAO, I remember when I saw them at a roller rink here in NJ (I had to sneak in pretending to carry records). Also BizMarkie, Big Daddy Kane, Doug E Fresh, BDP in the mid 80’s. Ahh, the good ol’ days of the Boom-Bap! Yeah buddy I had the 2-tone jeans, fat laces,did windmills until the bruises on my shoulders bled & banged out break beats on lunch room tables (still do actually…the “Big Beat” break was the *ish). Back when Hall & Oates and the Human League got rotation w/Luther,Evelyn-Champagne-King and The Gap Band.
      Now were stuck in an age of the cookie-cutter syndrome, not knockin’ it (earn ya’ grip brothers & sisters) but jeez…what we’ve seen/heard, for those of us blessed enough to have survived the 80’s, save up 2 get gear, and create what we love…this (Hip-Hop/House)is a craft and no “Mr.Hit Starter Kit” can never reflect or replace the time, sweat, practice & rejection that eventually fosters “talent”. So on that note I’d like to recommend a footnote/disclaimer for SampleMagic:
      “We are thankful for your purchase, however be knowledgeable in the fact that said purchase is by no means a reflection of talent of which you may not have so please be humble in your pursuits…for creativity is a constant work in progress tempered by diligence not a proof of sale. Work hard and love what you do as our contributing artists have.”
      I just saying….:-)

  3. Just got the book and for someone just starting out it has a lot of good info thanks for posting this I might not have know about it if it was not for you.

  4. this book is f****n awesome!!!!i loved it from the first sight!!!don t think about it!!!just buy it!!!!!it covers everything and it s really simple!!!a must have!!!

  5. I am running a site at and looking for informative information in regards to house music and the production aspects. Although, it appears things are about 3 years old I still may find things that can assist me in my search for knowledge. Definitely going to pick this up!!


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