Yep, another one, I gotta keep em coming cuz we all like new sounds right?
This one is for those that like to travel on the more laid back side of the drum beat, jazzy, chill, downtempo, ambient, smokey, lounge…whatever you wanna call it.
Let’s get into this smooth sample collection.
Is there really magic in those samples?
I took notice of SampleMagic via twitter, and their sample distribution site soundstosample. One of my favorite types of music to make is chilled-out, smoke filled, lounge room sweetness. When I saw their sunrise/sunset sessions series, I had to get my paws on it.
The last dope chill/downtempo cd I bought was “smoker’s delight” from equipped music, that was back in 03/04!! And yes I still use it.
So I was excited to see another sample collection with a similar direction. Even more excited when they decided to send it over for review.
What’s in the collection?
This is like a “sequel” so to speak, of their very popular “sunset sessions”, I figured I’d do a review on the newest one first, but I love things in sets so I had to get the first one and I’ll review that one at a later date
Hazy hooks, lo-fi loops and sultry sunrise sounds. The sequel to our best-selling chillout release Sunset Sessions, featuring 950+MB of: Dusty beats, lo-fi grooves and vinyl-infused breaks and fills; cinematic Rhodes, sultry-smooth piano and lazy Wurlitzer licks; sparkling guitars, driving live bass, rustic violins, shady sax and jazzy trumpet; spurious synths, re-wired percussion and misty background elecphonica; ready-mixed melodies, soundbeds and orchestral one-shots; drum one-shot library and more….
Yeah man, but what does it sound like?
No joke, as soon as I popped this joint open, I was inspired. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is usable… even the drumloops, and I pretty much stay away from drumloops like the plauge. But I’d definitely use these.
The keys are smooth and silky, the bass is low and round, the guitars hit just the right spot.
Heck man, there are some dang violins in this joint and they are amazing too lol.
Sax and trumpets are here also, as well as individual drum hits, piano loops, and original music loops.
All well produced, all inspiring, all ready to go in your next laid back pot of musical gumbo.
The variety is amazing and they even include kontakt instruments for some of the sounds, so you can just load and go…I’m really starting to appreciate companies that do this more and more each day.
Bottom line man? Are these dope or what?
Uhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah man! These joints are crazy insane. Now, like I said, I LOVE downtempo style samples, but all are not created equal and some just plain suck! That’s why I’ve been using one particular collection for almost 6 years!
But uhhhh, these are crazy man and I can’t wait to checkout more from them.
They get 5 out of 5 subs for this release, and I would even throw in a head unit as well as a 1200w rockford fosgate amp and maybe even an infinity component system!
They blew me away with this and it took longer to do this review than normal for the simple fact that I kept getting inspired to just play with the dang samples!
just go over to samplemagic or soundstosample and check it out.
Oh yeah and because they are soooooooooo awesome, they have a page full of free teaser samples. So you can step your game up with a nice buffet of sound goodness.
so let me know what ya think, leave me a comment below….
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this sounds good somthing diff this pack is a good to round the rest of your packs once again very good review i cant wait till you start reviewing daw’s especially logic since that is what i will be getting.
always thanks for your hard work
Glad you liked it bro, I try to mix it up a bit! And uhhh, as far as logic, I’m not using a mac so I don’t see me reviewing that anytime soon lol.
I really dig that soulful, laid back, lounge, Lampin’ type stuff man so thanks for the review, and just wonderin’….. have you used Propellarheads Reason or ReCycle at all, and if you have just wanted to know your take on ’em. Once again GREAT review. Thanx
Sup bro? Yeah I feel ya man, I LOVE that stuff lol.
As for Reason, I never really liked it personally, recycle is dope though, great app. I know many that use Reason, it just wasn’t something I really got down with, I didn’t like the workflow for me personally. But it’s a dope app no doubt.
Right on,Right on LOL. Yeah thats what I use for my Hip-Hop prod. and i do have to admit that when I started using reason it took me a while to get into and what not but whenever I discovered somethin’ new it was fun as hell and i am still figurin’ lil’ tricks and what not out to this day. So Kool and the Gang man, Keep up doin’ what your doin’ and thanks bro.
No doubt man! It’s all good, whatever let’s you be creative, I love it all but only use what’s best for me lol. I know reason is a monster, i’ve actually thought about using it as a module rewired into ableton live.
nice im liking this one
Thanks for checking bro!
that`s dope!
you alwys work hard man..
I admire you. Thanks for another great review.
hahahah thanks bro! I gotta provide a service to the music fanatics man, I know what it’s like trying to look for the best tools for your toolbox
I like those sounds ,I’m going to check out the demos and see what I can hook up!!!
No doubt kid! it’s pretty dope man, real talk.
Thanks for the review, I just paid a vist and found yet another reason I’ll be eating PB&J for lunch at work.
This kind of reminds of of a mix of smoker’s delight & black butta but oh so different. That UK price conversion kinda slows my roll a bit, it’s just that I’m one of those types that likes a physical copy and reading liner notes and such. Now don’t get me wrong that’s not to devalue the downloads available on ($US price point) it’s just a preference of mine. Hell when I came across the DVD compilation of the Dusty Fingers collection I jumped on it.
Keep on the hunt brother!
Yessir lol, that’s exactly what I thought, smoker’s delight lol. I loved that joint, still use it, so when I saw this I had to peep it! It’s incredible lol.
I feel you, I like a physical box/dvd as well, but it’s all good if I can’t get it. I like the whole experience of opening the box/package and all.
but download makes more sense nowdays and it allows companies to lower prices a bit more
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Hi Joe,
Hope your well, long time no speak.
I know this is a long time ago but am loving some of their new packs.
Can’t afford the full packs at the moment but wondered how good the “inspiration” loops are. Are they enough to create a track or are they just intros?
Hope your well. Not sure if you remember I started a charity mission after my mum passed away, I am now up to £20,000 so its going well. Still trying to make a charity track!!!
Hey man, it’s been a while, welcome back and glad to hear things are well. It’s been a long time since I messed with this, I’m sure you could probably start something with the loops though, they are meant to be foundations or starting points not so much intros but I suppose they could be used for that too.