Review: DJSH NOVA Modern Scoring Pads


So what is NOVA?

NOVAIf you like pads, atmospheres, textures, and ambiences…then NOVA is a library for you.

It’s a Kontakt instrument dedicated exclusively to these types of sounds from DJSH…you may remember this sound designer from my review of Texture, a previous atmospheric library he created.

The concept is really simple, provide access to great sounding pad-style sounds, with a simple and clean interface.

I love pads, and I love a clean interface, and as a fan of his previous library this is definitely something I wanted to check out.

Quick Specs

So how does it sound?

Reel to Reel Tape RecorderAgain…if you love pads and atmospheres like I do, then you’re going to want to check this out.

There is a real organic sound to these instruments, very airy and smooth, complex, and just plain great sounding.

I know the interface doesn’t have a sound, but I love how simple it is to quickly tweak the sounds as needed, and everything in the interface really compliments the instruments.

I’m very particular about pad sounds, and I definitely love the more organic/smooth sounding character contained in this library.

So in short, it sounds dope!

What’s the bottom line?

I love checking out the smaller, independent developers, there are a lot of gems out there if you know where to look.

I was already a fan of DJSH but this library takes it up a notch with a really clean interface, not to mention the sound is on point.

4andhalfsubsI give NOVA 4.5 out of 5 subs, I think it’s an amazing pad and atmospheric library that will please anyone looking for smooth evolving textures to add to their toolbox. 

The interface is simple yet elegant, not too much going on and it has a nice clean appearance.

The fact that it’s currently on sale at VSTBuzz makes it even better, however if you’re watching/reading this review after the sale, this library is still totally worth grabbing at full price as well.

It just goes to show you don’t always have to break the bank to get high quality instruments, support the smaller projects too 🙂

Go on over and grab it:

Let me know what you think!

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