Just exploring Presonus Studio One and figuring out how to use it as a vst rack for Maschine, it works out pretty good and it’s easy to setup the interface in Studio One.
You must have Studio One Pro to use vsts but it’s all good.
It’s also simple to save a template so you can just open it when you want.
I’ll be exploring Studio One a lot more, but I’m liking it already, clean and simple interface.
Now I just need to figure out how to slave it to Maschine’s midi clock!
let me know what you think about the video.
Found out I had to make some more changes to get all the midi on separate channels, so I made another video to show the process.
Hey, Joe, the video was nice, thanks. I’ve notice on your computer daw setup that you have “Reaper”. Hows that software and would you recommend it as good daw to work with? Thanks.
thanks for checking it out.
Reaper is a good program for sure, it can do pretty much everything you need in a daw, it’s all about personal preference. Some people like the internal sound engine of other daws better, some moved from pro tools, logic, etc, to using Reaper.
Checkout the demo, it never expires and for most people the license is only 60 bucks if you want to license it after testing it out.
That’s a cool way of setting that up. I use sometimes LoopBe to connect Cubase to Harmony Navigator then I can use the sounds from the VSTs in Cubase to generate sounds for that Harmony Navigator (Basically for exploring different chords).
Let me know if you find a way to slave the clock to the sequencer and I may definitely give your way a shot so I can use Maschine outside of my sequencer apart from being a VST (as well as other VSTs).
Dope tutorial bro. I always learn something from your knowledge man.
thanks bro, yeah I’m gonna try to find a way to sync studio one and see how it goes, probably gonna have to checkout their forums a bit more.
pretty cool “machine” lol i guess it’s worth the price…
thanks for watchin, Maschine is dope for sure.
Thanks for sharing this vid saintjoe. I just caught wind of this about 2 days ago. im going to def try this idea on the mac and see if it works. a product manager over at presonus actually told me about this. he also said that slaving S1 is not possible yet but their looking to have it all worked out in a soon to be released update.
thanks homeboy
Yeah man! I hope they get the slaving down, I’ve talked to them a bit too, I hope we can get something like ReRoute in S1, that would solve audio routing problems.
thanks for the vid always helps any info on cubase 5 for midi control i been trin to do this help thanks
No problem yo…
sorry, I don’t use cubase so not sure, what exactly are you trying to do?
What up Joe!!!Long time no hear from my man.How are you feeling Studio One?I see that the have a 30 day trial on there website is it worth checking out?
I’m a simple guy, I like simple stuff that works…I never really got into the pro tools, sonar, logic, etc…
Studio One to me is just a very simple interface, but it’s powerful. I like it, def download and try it for yourself.
Thanks Big Homie I will check it out.Oh man thanks for putting me up on the poise drum sampler.I copped it and use it every day now!!!
no doubt fam! And yeah poise is I’ll!
Cool review and all Joe, but Reason is da best! But to each his own I guess. lol. By the way, thanks to your review I recently go Soul Town Vol 1&2. They are da business. Definitely going to used for future projects. Thanks for you diligence.
lol, I can’t stand reason but I know many that use it, I just don’t vibe with it. Nothing is messing with maschine right now in my opinion, only thing I would use instead would be ableton live.
soultown joints is sick for sure lol.
Hey man. Not sure if you remember, but I spoke to you about the Juno G sometimes ago. Anyway, I got the Juno and yeah it rocks. I should get the Maschine soon.
I wanted to ask you something please, how does the Presonus one pro compares to Ableton live? I have both and while I prefer the interface of the Presonus, it is a shame the entry level have no support for vst. Also the price is a bit steep compared to Ableton live 8.
So which one will you recommend please.
cool man, glad u like the juno.
for straight up production, I would choose live over studio one any day, that session view in live is awesome. But studio one is pretty cool it just depend son what you want to do.
because you can go from concept to completely mastering your music in studio one, so it depends on what you want.
but if you just want something to produce in, I like the workflow in live better, you should download the demos of both and see which one you like best.
Yeah the Juno rocks.
For home use mostly I suppose Live 8 is as good as Suite 8?
suite 8 just comes with more instruments and sounds, if you already got plugins and such then you don’t really need it.
Thanks man. Live 8 it is then.
no doubt man!
yo bro nice tutorial I like studio one pro I have been jamming with this ware since it came out and is dope pretty easy to follow and mastering on is a bonus too I reckon in next few update this thing is going to be the boom esp for noob head like us who wants to get down lay a joint and thats it no time reading for reading complicated manuals etc. peace out
thats whasup man, I really like the simplicity of studio one and how everything is right there.
we’ll see how the updates roll out man, can’t wait.
Yo Saint do have to have two sound cards for this set up cos if you open up studio 1 whilst maschine is opened in standalone , studio one audio is disabled . so how did you workaround this ?
PS i have d/l loopbe and it is good to go . peace
yeah my bad! I’m usin one external and one internal to run it, tryin to find a way to route maschine audio into s1
safe for that holla manz when you’ve found the way to route it peace
no doubt fam
random question
but do you have any of the Kore soundpacks?
I looked into Kore off of your recommendation i think lol and its DOPE!! considering getting some of the soundpacks, wondering if you have an opinion on any of them
yeah yo, I got quite a few of them, urban arsenal 2 I did a review on the site already, scarbee pre bass
I just got a few more, they are dope man, I really like what they do with them.
What’s up Joe I have a question about Presonus one pro I was wondering if hey have a 64bit and will it see my vst’s I tried the 32bit and it see’s my reason’s and sample tank and others but just wondering if you used 64bit
Yeah they have 64bit version, I’m not using it on my laptop but will use it when I build/buy my new system.
What Ver of Presonus one pro are you running? 2.0
they don’t have a 2.0, it’s whatever version is the latest one, 1.2 or whatever it is.
I do a lot of music placement I need a DAW hat I can get in and start making music, there are so many out there its hard o make a choice…right now I’m using Sonar 8.5
I was never a fan of sonar, for strictly music production ableton live is my first choice, but for all around, being able to go from music to mastering, studio one is it.
sup Joe,
Question: Have you retried this in the newest version of Studio One (1.5.1)? I have a MOTU midi interface (hw loopbe). I can’t for the frikkin’ life of me find the option to change the midi channel on the instrument track. In your video it’s right there! haha, so I’m thinking maybe it’s a version difference? Cause damn, on mine it’s no where to be found. Not on the arrange, console, inspector, any view. Lemme know man, much appreciated.
@trep, nah I haven’t tried it recently, didn’t really like the setup with maschine and studio one lol. I’m using the latest version of both, but I haven’t tried this again.
@saintjoe, no doubt, thanks man. I have the whole concept down so if you ever use it again and find where I can select the damn midi channel for the instrument track that’d be great. I’ll post something in their forums too. The external device setup is the same, but yea that channel dropdown per track is not there!
@trep, cool, yeah man, I’m not a fan of studio one’s midi implementations/routing at this point.