This is a follow up to my video where I showed how to sequence vst plugins from maschine in standalone mode
This one shows how to stream the audio into reaper as well for tracking out your music. Very slick setup.
here is the template file if you want it: Maschine VST Rack with Audio
let me know what ya think
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Thanks for taking the time to share this. I’ve been on the fence of getting Maschine (due to lop-sided reviews) and wither or not to invest the funds into Live 8 or a Cubase upgrade (I’ve been working w/Acid & Cubase AI). I would value your comparative input especially being that you’re using Reaper (I just haven’t spent any quality time with it) as to how efficient you find the workflows between the DAWs that you’re using.
No doubt. Well I can’t speak on cubase cuz I don’t use it, I love ableton live out of any daw for production. Reaper is straight forward and I like it for holding vsts and such, but I haven’t used it for much more than as a vst rack so to speak.
I just messed with doing the same thing in ableton and it works good, however, it seems that ableton is a bit more cpu heavy than reaper. Reaper has a very small cpu footprint, it doesn’t require much which makes it pretty flexible.
Thanks for the tutorial! Excelent!!!
Could you please explain how did you manage to do the same in Ableton? Is there anything like ReaRoute? I like to work with Maschine as standalone for secuencing every VSTI like an MPC but Reaper seems not too friendly with controllers, mapping and Vsti compatibility like Ableton….
SaintJoe. Dude you are the best man, I like you simple, yet comprehensive approach, please keep it up.
I have followed your reviews on the Maschine ever since I came across it on youtube, I also follow you on twitter too. That is how much I take on board what you say with all these gears man.
I have a small issue though, I am wondering if picking up a NI Maschine with a Roland Juno G is a good idea? It will be mainly for Hiphop and Home studio use. I know the Maschine is a good buy, but I am not sure if for the style of music I am into – HipHop, AfroHiphop/pop – is the type of workstation to go for. Also take into consideration I haven’t used a workstation before, so this will be my first purchase. Videos and reviews around suggest the Juno G is good for what I want to use it for, but I will like to hear your advise please?
I look forward to your reply. Regards.
Thanks man!
Well, the Juno is definitely a good board, nice sounds and all. It just depends on how you plan on using it with Maschine. Because you will need a way to get the audio to work together, whereas with Maschine everything is already on the computer.
I’d suggest buying one of them first, whichever you want the most, and learn that one, then see if the other fits with your workflow.
Thanks man. Thanks for the speedy reply.
From what I can see, the Juno G have various connection – Midi, USB et al that can be hooked onto the computer. Also, it comes with a sequencer program, but I am not 100% sure it will work with Maschine.
From the videos tutorials I have seen, it appears the sounds on board the Juno can be controlled using external sources – Midi keyboards – I am hoping this can be adapted somehow so as to allow some sort of integration between the Maschine and Juno G.
As for picking the one I need the most, I really cannot decide lol. I am leaning towards the Maschine, but since I have the chance to pick up the Juno G as well, I might just get it too lol.
Yeah I feel ya lol, I mean you can definitely send midi out of Maschine to sequence the Juno…I’m just saying that’s a software/hardware connection and at some point you’ll want to record everything together…that’s the part I’m speaking about.
lemme know what you do!
yo yo yo joe whats up i been watching yor vid on maschine first of all i like the set up and quick editing i would like to use with lxd but spend the money to have it crash like everyone is saying pops and cracks i dont know if spending that cash is worth it but im looking for some tight q is what i wont with midi i under sand u use reaper with it thats what the lxd uses i listen to your input always man so set me right i use lxd famton 909 mv and vst plug ins all in reaper but it not q tight useing midi when i loop in reaper except when i turn into audio cut and paste can u help out man i like using midi istead of audio peace out you boy synth
I’ve never had it crash on me at all.
As far as q I’m not sure what you’re askin, if you mean quantize then that has to do with your settings in reaper.
Maschine is dope in my opinion, nothing like it out there.
Whatup Saintjoe? Tell NI you sold another Maschine!(haha)
I’m moving to an i7 64-bit over this last week, so I haven’t fired up Maschine yet.
I’m big on efficient (no bloat) software, so I think I’ll look into adding Reaper to my setup as well. So I just wanna thank you for all your insight about Maschine from a MPC users perspective, you showed me this was just what I needed.(can’t wait for the 1.5) Also thanks for posting the template, should be very useful.
Glad to help yo! It’s dope man, you’ll love it!
haven’t figured out a way to do the audio into ableton from standalone yet, once I do I will post it
why not use it as a vst?
Because of the non full screen.
non full screen is another reason as well.
because you lose transport control, many people don’t like that and prefer using it standalone so that it is the master and not the slave.
Agree, that’s the other important reason. I guess I could get used to it, but I don’t see why I have to if I feel confortable using Maschine with the same MPC workflow. I want Maschine to be my DAW, don’t really need anything else…
me too, if we could sequence vsts in it I’d be set!
then I wouldn’t need this setup lol.
is there some sort of mixer where you can see the levels?
there is a mixer in reaper that shows the input on each channel.