MSX Audio The Joe Deertay sample library review


Yo what’s good fam!

Got some new food for your samplers, this one comes from MSX Audio, and it’s a sample heads delight.

The product is called “The Joe Deertay” and it’s a collection of drums, and original compositions ready to sample.

Let’s check it out!

So what is The Joe Deertay?

Joe Deeerty ArtThis is a collection for those that love vintage/classic sounding samples.

It’s got live drums, resampled through vintage samplers, as well as original compositions ready for chopping.

They used Moogs, vintage EPs, and various other instruments to give a classic sound.

Everything is original and royalty free, so no worries of copyright or anything when you make your next hit.

If you like classic organic sounds, but don’t want to worry about clearing samples, you should check these guys out

Quick Specs

How does it sound?

Reel to Reel Tape RecorderIf you’ve checkout out any of their other products, it’s more of the same quality.

If you are new to MSX Audio, then I’ll let you know they specialize in providing a vintage/classic sound in their libraries.

This one is full of drums and original samples, all with a nice organic vibe ready to be chopped and flipped.

Also, the samples have a lot of variation and change ups in them, and the vary in size from medium, to shorter, to super long.

Same with the drum loops, it’s not just a simple 1 bar loop, there are some really long loops in here just oozing with warmth, grit, and ready to be chopped.

The whole thing has a really fresh vibe in relation to much of the synthy/electronic sounds and libraries being released today, definitely a bit of nostalgia.

So what’s the bottom line?

These guys continue to stick to their format of providing warm, classic, organic sample libraries.

This one is no exception, and at a price that’s not gonna break the bank

4subsI give The Joe Deertay 4 out of 5 subs, it’s a solid collection of original sample material with a vintage vibe that will keep samplers happy 

I like that they continue to raise the bar in their content while staying true to who they are by offering a new dose of classic sampler food each time.

Make sure you checkout their brand new site launching January 31st, 2014

Also make sure you enter their contest to win a free Maschine Mikro in conjunction with their site launch!

Leave me a comment below and let me know what you think




  1. sounds good Saint Joe I love organic original compositions when I want to fool cats into thinking I found that obscure vinyl record. Good work you doing over here stay up Homie!!

  2. I’m not feeling any type of loop libraries. If I want to chop a loop id rather find a raw sample myself than buy a library a thousand other producers have. One shot drums & a few good vsti are all I need to get the job done.

  3. Hey SaintJoe, I’m interested in all of the laptop supports or stands you have on your desk. Specifically, it looks like you have one that’s clamped to the side of your desk. What brand are they, and where did you get them? Thanks in advance, and keep up the awesome reviews!

  4. SaintJoe, the mxl sample libraries sound good, but for some reason, their drum samples don’t seem to loop seamlessly. Have you noticed or heard about this?

    • Their drums are more made like breaks instead of seamless loops so you may have to tweak them a bit. I rarely ever loop a drum break I usually chop it up so I haven’t noticed.


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