Hey whasup, just a quick vid for ya today.
I got my update for BPM yesterday so I got it installed last night and today I just messed around with setting up the custom mapping.
It’s really deep, you can map pretty much anything, makes it very hands on now.
They also added the Beatbox Anthology expansion, which is basically a library full of tons of classic drum machines.
They added note repeat, with various rates, and undo button (no redo), aux fx in each bank, etc.
They even added midi pad select, so if you hit the pad on your controller, it will take you to that pad in the software…
Yeah…it may seem small but when building/editing kits and samples, this is very useful, because if you forget to use your mouse to go to the next pad….yeah…you just replaced your custom drum sound lol.
Overall some good stuff added, mainly on the workflow side of things. Of course there is quite a bit more kits and patterns included now, still along the lines of dance/urban and electronic styles of music.
They also updated a lot of the content from the previous version, removed some ground noise/hiss that was on some of the samples, and overall just cleaned it up even more.
So this is just a quick vid showing what’s in it, showing some of the content folders, and the various things you can now map to any controller.
I’ll probably do some videos on each part, maybe show how to map stuff quickly, run through some of the patterns/kits for those interested, etc…we’ll see.
All the official info is on the motu site: What’s new in BPM 1.5
Incredible, Effective work flow , User friendly ,and has a nice clean style to it. I dont know what it is about software with nice clean skins but , they lure me lol. Man wow after seeing this vid I have changed my mind about BPM 1.5 I thought it was a candy coated VSTI or RTAs. That is HOT!!!! How do you think it compares to GURU ????
@Dro Fontaine, much better than GURU in my opinion, totally different animal, this is a full workstation, can play instruments and such in addition to drums/samples.
I know that was a quick summary, I just wanted to add is with the new midi select you have direct access to all the pads, in all four banks in one scene, also the ability to create your own banks of effects, is pretty cool as well. Well worth the upgrade.
@Teacee, yeah I talked about pad select and bank aux fx in the article, just didn’t show it in the video. Not sure what you mean by “in all four banks in one scene” though…
I use the “midi to selected bank/part” so I just access the pads of whatever bank I’m working in, I mapped the bank buttons so I can quickly get to each bank.
@saintjoe, I mean 4 banks x 16 = 64 pads can all be scene in one scene now
@Teacee, you could always have 64 pads (all 4 banks) in a scene… that’s where you confused me at lol, wasn’t sure what you were meaning as that’s not a new feature.
midi select is basically for being able to go directly to the pad when you hit it on your controller, instead of having to click the pad with the mouse. Quicker for building kits, editing, etc.
Each bank didn’t require a different scene before the update
@saintjoe, AApparentltly you are not understanding my point. There is a new fearyre added to the left of the clip button called midi select.
MIDI Select
The new MIDI Select feature gives you direct access to each pad — up to 64 simultaneous pads per scene — for quick editing and tweaking directly from your MIDI controller. Need to tweak the filter cutoff on the crash cymbal? Play the pad, tweak the filter, done.
@Teacee, Excuse the spelling in that post lol.
@Teacee, no worries on the spelling, I got your point lol
@Teacee, aahhh no, I get it, I think you are assuming something different than what is there. As I said, and as it says in what you copied from the site, “for quick editing and tweaking directly from your MIDI controller” I already said that.
The “up to 64 simultaneous pads pads per scene” is not new, it’s just in reference to the 4 banks that were already there in BPM. The point is you don’t have to go through and click a pad with your mouse to edit it anymore, you can hit the pad on your controller and it will bring that pad into focus.
It’s not some new way to access 64 pads in one scene, that’s always been there, midi select, as I’ve stated, is specifically in relation to picking a pad without using the mouse, that’s what it’s for. You hit a pad, now you’re tweaking the parameters for that pad, it’s a natural reflex. I found myself hitting the pads often to tweak, only to remember I had to use the mouse to click and make the pad be in focus…this is a welcomed update for sure, but I think you’re reading into it something that has nothing to do with the feature itself lol.
@saintjoe, lol her we go I can send u a screenshot if that will help, what I copied is exactly what I am saying, “Midi select” is not a feature or option on the interface of the previous version, But not trying to get an an argument, just making a note, it is a well needed feature I am glad they added.
@Teacee, bro lol, I had the old version, I updated to the new version, I know midi select is new, what I’m saying is you seem to have a misunderstanding on what it does.
It doesn’t add all your sounds to one sequence, what it does is let you hit a pad on your controller, and instantly be focused on that pad/sound instead of having to click it with a mouse.
I don’t need a screenshot, I have the program, both versions lol. Have you installed the update yet?
@saintjoe, Tight understood, my point was that there was a new way to access it like you said before you had to use the mouse and the New midi select allows you to access the pads with that feature.
@Teacee, peep the 6th sentence from the beginning of the article, I already said this lol. Really not understanding what you were trying to point out since it was already stated in the article
all good though
@saintjoe, right, like I said there was a miscommunication like we spoke about in the email, glad we got that straightened out.
@Teacee, yeah we were talking in circles homie! All good, appreciate the support fam!
Yeah IM ordering mine Friday. Need that midi mapping. Should work out great with my MPK61. Good Look.
@BDrake, dude, you’ll LOVE it with the mpk lol…that’s gonna be sick!
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Text Sparing Session…wow, lol. I got neither version, but tha thang look nice…Sparks an interest. You Joe, you gonna get into REASON 5/RECORD 1.5 at the end of august? Thanks for the review of the update. I got a question though on the “MIDI SELECT”…kiddin yall….PEACE!!!!
@Kruz, ahahahahahaha lol, nah man, I’m not really a reason/record fan, I may check it out at some point but…you know..really not my thing lol.
I’m glad that they added the option to Midi map almost every function on my Maschine Controller since they probably will never have their own proprietary controller for this product. Note Repeat is a big plus for me.
@Madbull Studios, yeah man, they really came through with the midi mapping, wondering why you can’t map the start/end points of the samples tho…they need to add that too.
Your in denial bro…hahaha, it has a drawback, no vst use…but other than that its a good accent to a set up, hahaha, I’ll save my pitch for when you review it later on. Blessings mane!!! peace!
Did I reply in the wrong spot….dang…haha
@Kruz, I dunno, what were you responding to? lol
@Kruz, hahahaha, what you talkin bout fam! lol…what has no vst use? lol
not to crazy about paying $300.00 for a program, then have to spend a additional $80.00 for updates they should have had in the intial release of the product.
@Blak McGuyVaH, I definitely feel that, I think most of the price is for the included library, but I feel you. We said the same thing over on the bpm forum. But I guess we really have no choice, it’s pretty much something we are always going to have the potential to deal with, with this software stuff.
I’m glad NI didn’t charge for the Maschine updates yet, but I know they will eventually, when they move to the next actual version I would imagine.
Im glad you feel me on that saintjoe, because honestly I just think it’s motu’s way of trying to unload some of those sound kits because nobodies buying them. First motu beat NI to the punch but overall the maschine surpassed them now they’re tryin play catch up and taxing the consumer and making it look like its a deal because they threw in that cheesy kit smh! I still have bpm in my arsenal but I moved on to maschine as my mpd 32 collects dust and that i lok key just hangs out my cpu for now .I hope motu gets wise and release the updates for free and call it what it is… not a upgrade…
@Blak McGuyVaH, yeah I don’t know why they included that one, they got heat over there in the other libraries, but a library full of vintage analog kits isn’t exactly the dopeness.
Either way, I’m using both BPM and Maschine for different purposes, I got some of the other expansions for it, those joints go hard yo, the instruments…I got my own drums and junk lol.
But when I want to chop up some loops or something, I rock Maschine all day for that, it’s quicker and smoother in that aspect. But BPM offers me more options when I want to do the original thing…NI needs to offer some type of integrations/expansions man I know it’s comin but I want it now lol
Hi ,
Did anyone use BPM in rewire in pro tools ? I have the new update but it’s not working in PT LE 8.0.4 ……
@KEEMAH, Hopefully someone else can give you some input on this as I don’t use pro tools, sorry. Are you using it as a plugin in pro tools or using rewire? Is BPM a rewire client?
@KEEMAH, What’s up Keemah? I use BPM in Pro tools 8.0.4 LE works fine.
@Teacee, thanks for the update yo!
@Teacee, Are you using the last BPM update 1.5 plus the beatbox anthology ? I m on xp pro sp2 , BPM do not appear in pro tools when i want to select an instrument or a vst ( I have all my stuff like addictive drums or boom but no BPM ..) it’s like pro tools is not updated for the new 1.5 …I installed and desinstalled the software few times and tried lots of other stuffs ..saintjoe , even if I could use the BPM as a vst plug in I d be happy but it really do not appear nowhere in PT …
@keemah, hmmm well I know protools doesn’t use vst, but I don’t know what to tell ya, I don’t use protools but it seems to be working okay for others.
make sure you didn’t install the 64 bit plugin version instead of the 32 bit version maybe?
@saintjoe, I use the Fxpansion ” Vst to Rtas” to use the vst plug in in PT ,sorry I forgot this info ..and no problems about the 32x drivers ..
@keemah, yeah forgot about the FXpansion thing, does the wrapper see the BPM plugin?
Have you tried it using the RTAS version directly instead of using the vst wrapper?
@saintjoe, no the wrapper do not see it that’s why it’s crazy ..i wish i could try the RTAS version too ..
anyway , I will buy windows 7 tomorrow , it’s a long time I need to do it and I have lots of work to do before I go on tour next week so time is running .. Thank you so much for helping .
@keemah, hope you get it sorted out!
@keemah, Why are you using a wrapper for bpm? Just use the RTAS version.
@Teacee, that’s what I was wondering…
@saintjoe, Exactly, you would only use a vst to rtas wrapper if there was not one available, but BPM does have one, so the only thing I can think is he did not install the RTAS version of BPM. I just checked the Motu site and vists , xp and & is supported. I did notice that that you are not up to spec far as pro tools for the 8.0.4 it requires the following “Pro Tools LE 8.0.4 for Windows supports the following operating systems:
Windows XP Service Pack 3 (Home or Professional, 32-bit)
Windows Vista Service Pack 2 (32-bit)
Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit)
You need to upgrade to sp3 using Windows Xp or, do like you sid and get Windows 7.
@keemah, Yes I have used 1.0 and all updates including the 1.5 with beatbox anthology. Do not run BPM as a vst with a wrapper make sure you installed the RTAS version. Also since you are using al older version of Windows XP, you should check the AVID site, since 8.0.4 addresses updates for WIndows 7 32 and 64 bit. Make sure you have the correct version installed. I would highly suggest updating to Windows 7. I have Pro Tools on my Windows laptop with Win 7, and I mainly use it on My Mac Pro 8 Core desktop.
@Teacee, no doubt, makes sense
@saintjoe and Teacee , thank you for taking time ..I m installing the BPM in Win7 , I still have a question : MOtu said I have to install the beatbox anthology in a UVIsoundbanks files , it means I have to download the UVIworkstation for that ..I have no UVIsoundbanks files on my computer ..and I put the BBox Ant. in the BPM file and not working right now so where did you put the BBox files , Teacee ?
@KEEMAH, On a Windows system you add the UFS C:/programs/MOTU/BPM/
@Teacee, OK now ! everythings work just fine ! I have The BPM installed on WINDOWS 7 , working with Pro tools 8.0.4
It was not easy with the Ilok stuffs ..first I was trying to download the license with Google chrome and safari , but you have to do it with Internet explorer..
One thing is sure : You can’t use Pro tols and BPM together on WINDOWS XP SP2
Anyway , Now it’s cool and I have lots of Music to do !!
thank you Teacee , SaintJoe
@KEEMAH, Yes sir, glad you got it going. Do you have any of the Pro Tools expansion instruments? Such as Transfuser, Strike, Velvet or Hybrid? Strike is about the best Drum virtual instrument I have seen to date, I am actually making a video review it and will be posting it soon.
@Teacee, can’t wait to see it, even though I don’t use protools, I like seeing good stuff!
@KEEMAH, good to see you got it going yo!
@Teacee, I just put mines in my UVISoundcard folder, but I have other ones too so that may be the difference
@saintjoe, yeah that works to if you have the UVI workstation, Keemah was sstarting from stracth new OS so he has to use the standard method, on my mac it goes in my main hard drive/ Libtary/ Application support/MOTU/BPM
@Teacee, no doubt fam, that’s whasup, thanks for the feedback.
@saintjoe & Teacee, Yeah !! I have been working since ..and no bugs ( it used to happened with the 1.0 ..pro tools would completely stopped..motorboat ..)
I finaly downloaded UVI workstation , it’s a nice sampler so I’ll try it too ..cool
Im not using softs like Tranfuser or strike ..Xpand2 sometimes..But I heard that Transfuser was Bangin’ ! so Holla back when your video is made , I d be very interested to see it !
Thank you again friends I really appreciate !
@keemah, cool, glad to help!
@keemah, Saintjoe, Posted the strike video here at vimeo
@Teacee, cool, looks like BFD, EZ Drummer, etc…thanks for the vid
@saintjoe, yeah looks similar but It has Stike way more to offer I have bfd and ez is light weight in comparison, as far as the controls and options onther nice drummer instrument is Addictive Drums.
@Teacee, cool, never messed with ez drummer, I know BFD is a monster lol…it’s cool, but not something that would make me use pro tools lol.
lol, I am not trying to convert you, I was anti- pro tools for years, but version pt 8 is really nice, and I got a really good deal on the 2010 M Box 2 with Pro Tools Le, so I am glad I did just for the experience, Logic is still my main daw, but the sound engine are about the same. I still use Ableton as well for chopping and sampling,, its the not best daw for recoding and mixing IMHO because it requires a lot of tweaking with effects, and most of the instruments are fair to decent. But excellent for remixing.
@Teacee, I feel ya lol…I have no plans to use protools at all, just never interested me honestly lol, I feel you about ableton, not the best setup for mixing/recording but you can get it done. I like studio one as a daw/recording platform…but I don’t produce in there, my productions are done mostly with Maschine…if studio one got something like reason’s blocks, I may use it more for production
@saintjoe, You could rewire Reason/Record with Studio one, I am currently using Reason 5/Record 1.5 rewired with Logic or pro tools, that would definitely be a good combo for you. As as far as Ableton recording and mixing yes you can for it done without a problem, just not my favorite.
@Teacee, I don’t like Reason/Record, just saying they did something good with how they implemented blocks, I think all linear sequencers should have something like that, most do, but studio one doesn’t have an arrange/pattern type function
I tried the latest demo of Reason to see whasup, I still don’t like it, just doesn’t flow wit me. It’s not hard to use or anything, I just don’t like it lol.
I really like bpm 1.5. its real thick and easy to put some drums together quickly. I went on the forum. Its a shame their are more negative critiques than updates on how people are creatively using bpm or finding cool ways to sample quickly. Does anybody have some really cool descriptions of how their using bpm in their productions. I jus made a track w it last night in lik 20 mins. Of course its not copyrighted yet, so I can put it out. Im really diggin it though and i think some more “positive” input would do it and its creators justice. One more thing that is hot that has not been talked about is putting Sounds in HD or Urban Fire in Bpm… and than u can even tweak thing on your bpm recording with Logics Plugins…so u can us the fx in bpm and tweak again with logic..pretty hot…look forward to some more hotness from moto….. how bout yall…. wat type of fire r u usin bpm for in 2011??
@blessedboy, yeah it def has a good sound for sure man, I like how you can stack and layer in it really quickly and the engine definitely has a nice thick sound for sure.
@blessedboy, ONe last thing is my area of music is not primarily hip hop… I do Neo Soul, Contemporary Gospel, R & B and old schoo soul, jazz, classical ext. My primary instrument is piano..i was classical trained, jazz trained, and self taught…I make technical songs were u have to know how to play the instrument… Some cats make beats.. and to each is own.. thats cool…me, im a musician… it’s good to knw that bpm is good for a musician. that should help some body.
@blessedboy, yeah I think most of these software products are good for anyone, no matter the background, like anything else it’s just a tool.