motion samples hoodlum orchestra review


time for some more motion samples

today I’m checking out an urban orchestra pack called Hoodlum Orchestra

What is Hoodlum Orchestra?

a collection of multi sample orchestra based loops.

Strings, violins, timpanis, and horns all played in a nice orchestral style,

with an urban edge.

These aren’t single sound loops, but multiple sounds put together in one loop,

just like the samples you’d grab from records or cds

Quick Specs

  • Content: 160 multisample loops
  • Format: wave
  • Price: $35

What do they sound like?

Like some dope orchestra loops.  They don’t sound synthetic so I don’t know if they brought in real string players or what, but they definitely have an authentic sound to them.

Not too epic to where you can use it, some of them are laid back too.

Quality wise there’s nothing to worry about, everything is recorded well.

Production wise, there is plenty of variation to get a bunch of different feels.

Everything from down south anthems, laid back west coast strings, and hype/grimey east coast stuff….it’s all here.

So what’s the bottom line on the Hoodlum Orchestra?

It’s a very solid collection of orchestral samples.

Sometimes you get orchestral samples and they are too “epic” sounding so you can only use them for hype/epic style music.

These have a nice variety with plenty of laid back sounds to fit into various types of music.

They are played with an urban edge so they will provide constant inspiration.

I give these a 4 out of 5 subs.

Nice quality, nice production and a nice price.

Check em out right here: Motion Samples Hoodlum Orchestra

leave a comment and let me know what you think


  1. Oh Yeah!
    Mad propz to you for turning me on to FatLoud, P5Audio & Motion Samples. I’m Loving their selections. I feel like a kid in a candy store, I be trying to get it all.

  2. YO!!!….I like the chop on the samples…Not that impressive sounding, but then again I’d have to browse everything to be sure. Nice track in progress there at the end BRAH….Peace!!!

    • thanks for watchin homie, yeah I couldn’t go through all 160, but you know lol, you get the idea. I think many folks are jaded with orchestra samples, but these have a nice feel to them.

  3. I like the sounds & the price, it’s something that would be a quick fix. Now on the other hand…would it be beneficial for someone that has Kontakt or SoniVox Hip-Hop Strings? The jury may be out on that one.

    BTW: I see you gave Maschine a skin treatment…nice. Is it a prefab or your own work? I’ve been considering the same.

    • I think having loops/samples and having string instruments is different. Everyone can’t play their own parts, and some people just like chopping up loops. I personally do both but I don’t think a string instrument is a replacement for this library, nor do I think this library is a replacement for a string/orchestra vst.

      I went to styleflip and designed my own skin for Maschine. Had to work with them on the measurements and such but they got it right, good stuff.

  4. I know you said many folks are jaded, but I’m feelin this. That beat was tight! You make it look so easy. Takes me two days to do what you did in 2 minutes. LOL

    • I feel you lol, I just think there is never a shortage of orchestra loops, seems everyone loves them and makes them. That’s not a bad thing, but sometimes it’s hard to stand out in that area.

      Thanks for watchin!

  5. what can i say but that ish is dope the price is right too nice review joe what more maschine makes it easy that beat was dope keep playin on playa

  6. I like what you did with the loop & drums bro. Ain’t Maschine the greatest!!!
    It looks like you changed the faceplate on yours (I didn’t know that was possible).

    Like always man great reviews for producers.

  7. Hey Joe, here is a short version of the West Coast track I told you I was working on.
    I actually played my strings on this instead of using something like Hoodlum Orchestra Strings (Instead I used the strings from Sonivox Playa Hip Hop Strings)

    Check it out bro and let me know what you think (Unfinished).

    Used mostly my Yamaha Motif XS 6 to do this but also used:
    Sonivox Playa Strings
    Scarbee Pre-Bass
    Native Instrument Maschine
    Urban Fire 5 Drum Library

    West Coast my man!!!!

    • Yo fam, this joint got a nice sound to it, very laid back groove man, love it. Of course them uf5 drums cut through, but the instrumentation is pretty well laid. Reminds me of some old school dove shack/warren g and nate dogg type junk

      nice subtle use of guitars in the background, as well as the pizz strings.

    • yeah fam! Lovin it!

      and I TOLD you about Maschine man! I tried to pull out my mpc 4k a few weeks ago, I just couldn’t even make music on it, it’s just too slow and clunky now lol..I’m spoiled by Maschine.

      this track is nice man, I like it alot.


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