Hybrid Two Project Alpha review


Hey what’s up fam! Hope all is well with ya, time to get into another review.

This time I’m checking out a new project from TimeSpace from a company called Hybrid Two.

They are new to me but the product looked cool so you know I like to checkout new companies with cool products!

Let’s see what’s up!

projectalphaWhat is Project Alpha?

This is a sound design, cinematic, video game, media, trailer style library for Kontakt.

If you do anything from media composition, to video game sound design, movies, software/apps, video trailers, visual effect, or anything similar, this library is aimed at you.

Of course, as with anything, it can also be used in all types of musical productions and styles….but the aim is a new tool for composers.

It has it’s own custom interface to make tweaking and changing the sounds fast and most of all useful.


Quick Specs

How does it sound?

Reel to Reel Tape RecorderThere are a lot of different sounds here but overall it sounds really good.

I like the mixture of fx and playable instruments.

There are some nice layered impacts and swooshes, smooth evolving drones and pads, and even some melodic style percussive elements.

Don’t forget the hard hitting drums as well as the deep bass instruments.

In general the quality and style of the instruments give you plenty to work with.

Well recorded, well programmed, and they just plain sound nice!

So what’s the bottom line?

When stepping into the realm of Kontakt based instruments aimed at composers, there are some pretty big players on the field already.

However, Hybrid Two easily shows they belong on that playing field with this product, it’s well designed, easy to use and sounds great.

4andhalfsubsI give Project Alpha 4.5 out of 5 subs, I think anyone looking for the type of sound that this library offers will find exactly what they are looking for and more.

It’s always fun to see each designers take on what will be inspirational or useful to composers, designers, and musicians in general.

This product is fun to use and easy to look at, thanks to the well crafted interface

Checkout their demos for yourself: Hybrid Two Project Alpha

leave me a comment below, let me know what you think




  1. For some reason my wallet just came out of my pocket! I don’t know how that’s happening! Oh wait! My hand is going to the mouse and clicking “buy!” What the!!!!

  2. Some really dope sounds coming outta this suite. Every section you played inspired a new track. In my future definitely. Peace…Netm8kr

  3. Everbody needs 2 know that this is developed by daniel James, who also was involved in the production and development of Hybrid Tools (8DIO) what by the way is one of the greatest vst for Hybrid FX 😉


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