Big Fish Audio Prometheus library review


Yo what’s good fam!

Back with another Big Fish Friday

Let’s dive right in!

So what is Prometheus?

prometheusIt’s a construction kit/sample library dedicated to smooth ambient instruments and minimalistic drum loops/hits.

You can look at it as something more towards the Sci-Fi or soundscape genre, but with a little bit of rhythmic content and not just all airy pads or synths.

It comes in the KLI interface for quick tweaking or you can work directly with the wave samples themselves.

The library is aimed at TV/documentary music, or even commercials, games, ambient, and cinematic styles.

Quick Specs

How does it sound?

Reel to Reel Tape RecorderIt has a good sound to it, some nice long samples with a smooth ambient feel to them.

I like the character of the drum sounds, they fit well with airy style of the instrument parts that are in the library.

Also important is the fact that the quality there, the samples are nicely recorded with no strange artifacts or unwanted glitches present.

It has a really smooth, laid-back vibe all together, if you’re into that then they definitely cover the style well.

I also liked some of the piano sounds, I just wish there was a few more ambient pianos and even a few more pad loops to chop up.

Overall good sound though for sure.

So what’s the bottom line?

This is a straight forward library for anyone that needs a quick dose of ambient soundscapes and airy melodic loops.

4subsI give Prometheus 4 out of 5 subs, it’s a solid library with an interface ready to let you tweak your samples as needed.

I think it was a great idea for Big Fish to do the KLI interfaces as they make it much easier and quicker to audition or use their construction kits.

Many times I would find myself passing over construction kits simply do to the layout of them, in favor of more “loop based” libraries where they were full tracks already.

However with the way the KLI is laid out you don’t even have to focus on the construction kits if you don’t want to, you can grab the different instruments or even just the drums on their own.

It definitely makes it a bit more flexible and gives you an alternative view of using the content.

Go on over and check it out:;16;1:::::::::::prome:518001

Leave me a comment below and let me know what you think


  1. Some really nice sounds in this one……I quite like the short lil’ beat you did at the end, I know your thing is mostly doing reviews and helping and educating people, but I would love to one day hear a collection of music by you…cause I’ve heard you do some really sweet jams in the past at the end of your reviews, and have thought damn I wish he would expand upon that idea.


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