Big Fish Audio Hip Hop and Soul Guitar pak


time for another Big Fish Friday,

today I’m checking out a  collection of hip hop/soul guitar samples that they sent over for review.

this is one of their download paks, so the price is lower than a full sample cd and there are usually fewer samples

What is the Hip Hop and Soul guitar pak?

It is a downloadable collection of modern acoustic and electric guitar riffs.

This is a collection that allows you to infuse your tracks with an authentic guitar sound and feel, not found in synthesizers and keyboard workstations.

This is the type of sound you can only get from real players playing  real guitars.

Styles in this kit range from hip hop, rnb, soul, funk, jazz, and even a lil rock.

Quick Specs

  • Content: 75 acoustic guitar loops, 207 electric guitar loops
  • Format: Apple, Rex, Wav, RMX
  • Price: $29.99

How does it sound?

Like anything else from Big Fish Audio, the quality is top notch and the recording is flawless.

What surprised me was the variety in the style of riffs.

Being a “hip hop and soul” collection, I thought I knew what to expect…

but true to the hip hop/soul style, this collection has riffs that can be found anywhere from jazz, to pop, to rock, to country.

Just like the mixture and melting pot of hip hop and soul music, there is enough here in variety to keep things fresh.

What’s the bottom line?

This is a good collection, well recorded, well played, with lots of variety.

I give this collection a 4 out of 5 subs, very solid library.

The price is right and the size is right, though I would have loved to see a few more acoustic guitar riffs/loops.

There is everything you’d expect in a hip hop/soul guitar collection, along with a lot of things you may not expect.

This is just a nice all around library of guitar loops that don’t get old and repetitive, enough changes and styles to keep it useful for a while.

go check it out, let me know what you think Hip Hop and Soul Guitar Pak

leave a comment below.


  1. I have downloaded this pack and I can tell that it`s great pack but some of the electric guitar loops are not at top quality but at all it`s good for the price

    • not sure what you mean by top quality but I thought they were well recorded, maybe the style wasn’t the best on some of them?

      either way, it’s a nice pack def for the price

      they have some more larger libraries of guitars that are really good but of course they cost more.

  2. I enjoy the reviews you do man keep it up, I’ve had this sample library for a minute but haven’t really had a chance to dig into it yet. My problem is that I’ve been buying to much stuff lately when I actually need to focus on my producing…but you can’t never have enuff right?
    You keep coming up with some hot software reviews and the next I know I’m at the store buying something.

    I’m working on getting my grind back on so I’m back in the studio working on a pimped out West Coast track currently. I plan on taking my time on it but I’ll hit you up when it’s done so you can peep it.

    btw, I just purchased the Yamaha mLAN16E2 Firewire expansion board for my Motif XS6 so I can get better use out of my Workstation & Cubase 5 (no more slow recording through my audio interface) I’ll be able to track my motif in realtime now.

    I’ll keep you updated. Keep the dope reviews coming man…and I’m sure I’ll keep spending my money on this stuff.

    • I feel ya fam! Sometimes yo just have to stop buyin lol.

      That’s dope you got the mlan man, that’s a dope option on the motif dude, one of the reasons I thought about getting a xs rack, to use it virtually like that.

      keep bangin homie and thanks for supporting the site.

  3. I feel what you said in the introduction, these sound like jacked records or good session tracks. Even if you do regularly sample, finding open guitar melodies and riffs is hard. Just in your quick preview I heard at least 5 or 6 I’d wanna chop.

  4. yeah man, you stay on point with these reviews. the guitars are super serious in this pack. Authentic and genuine sounding. Nothing sounds manufactured, easy to tell these are live recordings of actual instruments. I know once I get my bread right i’m gonna follow your reviews to get my sounds up. keep it up fam

    Pushin Keys Productios

  5. Awesome job Joe. Sometimes I don’t know where to begin when chopping loops. Watching your process helps get me started. This is a hot pak. I may have to get it.- Echo

  6. My boyfriend loves big fish audio that’s why I really want to stay up to date because I heard it for myself and the quality is astonishing.

  7. Hi… My husband is playing on this track… I got to see it from birth to production… He and Dave did a phenominal job! To hear them in tracks is the best thing to hear… cause it’s the icing on the cake… Thanks for the reviews. 🙂


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