Arturia MiniBrute analog synthesizer review


Hey what’s good fam!!

Back with another review for ya, finally got my hands on the MiniBrute from Arturia!

If you’re looking to get into analog synthesis, this is definitely something you may want to take a look at.

So what is the MiniBrute?

Minibrute_thumbIt’s a fully analog monophonic (one note at a time) synthesizer.

Many were caught off guard when Arturia introduced a fully analog synthesizer, but it’s proven to be the real deal.

It strays away from the herd in terms of filter choice as they implemented the Steiner-Parker filter.

Don’t know what that is? No worries, just know it has it’s own unique character.

This thing also has full MIDI support as well as CV (control voltage) for those using it with vintage or modular synth setups.

And yes, it also plays nice with digital setups via USB connectivity.

Quick Specs

  • main features: monophonic, 100% analog, Brute factor, Metalizer, Ultrasaw, arp, 2 LFOs, Oscillator mixer, 2 envelopes
  • hardware: 25 keys, aluminum chassis, external audio input, CV in/out, MIDI in/out USB MIDI in/out 1/4″ output, headphone out
  • price: $549 (499 euro)
  • product page:Β

How does it sound?

Reel to Reel Tape RecorderIf you’re a fan of analog synths, you’ll love the sound. If you’re new to analog synths, you’ll love the sound. If you just like cool sounds….yep, you guessed it, you’ll love the sound!

This thing is analog through and through, nice fat deep bass tones as well as raw leads and fx. And though the hardware controls don’t make sounds themselves, I feel they really aid in the sound creation by being so easy and hands on.

Even if you’ve never used an analog synthesizer before, or even any hardware synth, you’ll be making sounds super quickly.

I really like the fact that you can mix the various waveforms as well as the special features such as the Ultrasaw for the saw wave, I think that’s something really cool for an analog synth that usually shows up in the digital realm.

Metalizer and Brute Factor both give you something really unique in terms of sound manipulation, which gives this synth it’s own character.

I also like how the oscillator mixer works in that when you push the faders way up, you get a nice distorted/saturated sound.

It’s this sound that I think many attribute to the MiniBrute, but I’ve found it can do some nice “calmer” synth sounds as well, it’s all in how you adjust the faders. I love how they put that control in the users hands and it’s up to you to find the sweet spot for your own tastes.

It doesn’t sound like every other analog synth on the market, new or old, and I think that’s cool as it allows the synth to find it’s place in a vintage or modern setup equally well.

So what’s the bottom line?

Interested in analog synthesis? Go pick this up!

Looking to grab your first hardware synthesizer? Again…consider picking this up!

Just looking for a way to add a new sound generation tool to your setup that allows for creativity without being super expensive? Go pick this up!

5subsSeriously, I give the MiniBrute 5 out of 5 subs, I think Arturia really surprised a lot of people with this synth. It sounds great, looks great, feels like quality, and is super fun to play!

The ONLY thing I would like to see improved selfishly, would be for them to make another analog synthesizer that is polyphonic πŸ™‚

Seriously, it’s really hard to find anything wrong with this instrument, and the price they are charging for it really allows everyone a chance at analog synthesis. And I’m super excited with the fact that it comes with a nice keyboard in this price range, which also response to aftertouch!

Look, I’ve gone through my share of hardware synthesizers, both analog and digital, and the MiniBrute holds it’s own rather well in terms of function, sound, and bang for your buck.

Go on and check it out:Β

Leave me a comment below and let me know what you think!



  1. I got one for a few months. Didn’t do a lot with it yet.
    I need to go deep into it when winter comes. I do think it needs a delay.
    It feels very nice but just the faders are a bit fragile.
    The great thing about it is that it is a midi keyboard. just those knobs don’t do midi and you have no presets. Well, you have.. But you don’t.
    Seems like you forgot to tell them about the preset cards, SJ πŸ™‚

    • Yeah it’s cool, the faders don’t seem to fragile, they aren’t metal for sure, only time will tell how well they hold up. I did mention the preset cards in the beginning though πŸ™‚

  2. He showed the preset cards, ya it sounds sick. How about the faders is he right? I like the layout it looks really easy to get cool sounds with! Kinda cheap to I like that. I would buy that. I have no hardware synths so maybe….thx man!

    • Yeah it’s cool, faders are plastic of course, dont’ feel too flimsy to me I guess it depends on what you compare them too. It sounds cool and I regularly see them for 499 and lower, so it’s a nice option.

  3. My bad. I didn’t see the video on my browser. Safari is doing strange. So I didn’t see you show the preset cards πŸ™‚
    I like the minibrute for its size and feel. Sounds – well, got to get into that. The arpegiator gets lots of likes on reviews. So I think it is a future classic.
    I just hope it keeps working like it should.
    I did read about Arturia midi keys today that failed in a music article.
    Anyway. I don’t know if you know Rodec mixers. Alp faders are my reference…

    • No problem man! Yeah I dig this little guy πŸ™‚

      As for the faders, I wouldn’t call them high end, but then I wasn’t expecting that at this price point so I would say compared to some more robust faders they feel lower quality. They don’t feel too wobbly to me though so I don’t feel like I will break them off, which I’ve had on other “pro” midi controllers and such.

  4. Hey Joe – is the MiniBrute much good for anything beyond bass and leads?

    Also, do you have any recommendations for a good first analogue polysynth?

    • Well it’s monophonic so, that’s pretty much what it’s made for, also some fx and such.

      As for a first analog poly I would look into used analogs, or maybe a dsi mopho x4 or tetra. There’s tons of used analogs on ebay that sound great and you can get some good deals.

  5. I’ve had this synth for a couple of years now and I still find myself reading people’s comments, thoughts and reviews on it. When I’m not playing it I’m thinking it. First analog synth, second synth with some hands on but not near as much hands on control as the brute and I’ve played VST’s as well as recently acquiring a microkorg. And even with the microkorg’s sound and added polyphony I can’t get past the genuine analog sound and just the way it feels playing it and tweaking everything on the fly. If the poly brute comes out I’ll probably invest in that but otherwise this synth is just everything I need to do my thing. It’s like a guitarist owning some great classic guitar, this synth is just that great in my opinion, wether it’s ever recognized as some classic or not by anyone else, all that I care about is that I have mine.

    • I totally agree, it’s great. As someone who has bought and sold many synths, both analog and va, I’m still impressed by the brute line and what you get for the price. I still like the micro a tad bit more than the mini, such a powerful synth in a small affordable package. I’ve been waiting for a poly for a while, I hope they do it, because Arturia is showing people that you can make great fully analog synths that are affordable!

  6. I still get a message when people post here.
    I sold the minibrute a long time ago after i got the bs2. Much sweeter to my ears.
    Didn t regret selling it at all. I got the minibrute because the reviews were raving, but in the shop it wasn t so grzat to me. After a while, i searched and got the very first bs2 to hear at a synthmeeting. It wasn t even for sale here.
    I knew enough. Bye bye MB. Had to sell it cheap and even bring it to the buyer to get it out. There were a lot for sale online. Yeah that did hurt, losing near 200 in a few months to get it out before prices would drop even more.
    Glad you like it. Have fun.

    • I’m a huge fan of the BS2 as well, another synth that gives you a lot of bang for the buck, even more versatile than the MB too. Great time to be into synths for sure. I prefer the Microbrute over the minibrute and would prefer the BS2 over the Minibrute


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