Boom and Bap: Ski Beatz Ableton Drum Rack Pack Review


So Ski Beatz dropped his sample, sound, and instrument site a few months back called SounBlock

Of course you know he’s got a bunch of drum samples, many of which are ready to load up in Maschine.

However, he’s always been an Ableton guy so he put over 700 boom bap style drum samples into an Ableton drum rack.

He used the “128” method, so you can quickly audition different types of sounds, mixing and matching to come up with a dope combination.

I’ve always wanted a dope back of urban drums in Ableton, most of the time I just use Maschine since all of my kits are in there.

When I saw this pack, I had to check it out.

Quick Specs


    • @Peter Middleton, You could, there’s a template for Live, I don’t use it though. But you’d put Maschine in MIDI mode, you could also create your own using controller editor and MIDI learn in Live.

    • @will white, Looks like he used the sampler and just created 128 zones, one for each drum, and set the macro to change between them. I’ve seen the method before but I’ve never done it myself.

      • @saintjoe, I am just like a new born baby and ableton the world i am seeing for the first time. I don’t even know how to do the 128 sounds in the sampler. could you direct me possibly to a great place to learn ableton for free?

        Also i appreciate what you do. I bought lot of my samples simply because I have seen your review or have seen other companies attached to your site ( or vice versa) so basically you made some people a few bucks. I always use the link on your site so hopefully your getting paid too!

        I am trying to order a Maschine full production stereo since its on sale for like 800 us. Once again because of YOU. I am never annoyed to see an email from you no matter how many i get. I know i will either learn something or be given an opportunity to save a few bucks. ( quality stuff not like some other sites) Also thanks for all the top quality samples you have shared with me. I am a single dad 2 kids so money is tight.

        Blah blah blah I know, you need to know that what your doing people like me appreciate.

        coming all the way from TO Canada

        • @will white, Thanks for the support fam. I’d say check the Ableton site/forums to learn more, or look for a specific video on YouTube. I’ve been using Live for years and there’s much that I don’t use/know so don’t feel bad πŸ™‚

  1. one more thing I liked the digger in the crates 2 there was some pretty good shit. Any other recommendations of hip hop boom bap type samples that are either chopped, one shot etc.

    Digg D Crates 2 was a little too mellow the an what I am looking for. I like that gritty, crackly old school type samples if there available.
    I have all the Raw Cutz from your site, All of the producers choice kits and most of the sample phonics too. so if you can direct me i would appreciate it thanks


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