Maschine song mode tutorial how to use scenes


You all know I’ve been using Maschine for a while, and one question I get quite a bit is how to lay out a song using scenes.

It’s a little different than traditional song mode in a beat machine…

where you just put a pattern in a list and tell it how many times to loop.

But once you understand it…

you’ll be making songs very quickly.

Here are some things to remember about scenes, patterns, and tracks in Maschine:

  • a scene is pretty much a “snapshot” that holds the state of the current pattern for each group
  • There are 8 groups, each can have 64 different patterns
  • Each scene can only hold up to 8 patterns, 1 for each group
  • Each pattern in a group can hold 16 tracks or “sounds”
  • a scene will play as long as the longest pattern in the scene, smaller patterns will repeat to match the lenght of the longest pattern
  • patterns are linked across scenes, if you change a pattern in one scene, it changes in others, it’s best to use different patterns to make changes
  • renaming the scenes can help you keep track and have a nice overview of your song

I hope this helps you out, if you have any questions feel free to ask as usual. Maschine is very powerful and capable of full productions, sometimes it just takes a little help to understand the best workflow for doing so.

This is by no means the only way to use Maschine, I’ve just found that this way works for a lot of folks used to building songs with patterns, and working on sections.

With all the scenes and patterns it’s definitely very flexible for live use and performance, but that’s not something I do so I wouldn’t be the best person to show you how to set that up lol.


  1. Been following you reviews on BPM and Maschine.. in hopes of figuring out which would be best suited for me and my style/workflow.. This video helped. As Always.. Thanks bro!

    • @KILLAHCANE, no doubt fam, thanks for checkin in on it!

      Yo, go to and setup your icon, so it will show a better avatar than the pastel flower patterns lol. You’re around a lot, so it’s be cool to have an icon on the site for ya lol.

  2. Good video you alway have good info.

    This might sound crazy but I take an empty group and then I make a blank patterns as long as I want each scene to be 2,4,8,16 or what ever just a habbit I got in to. Just thougt I would share another way to do it.


    • @Myke, yep, you could do that too, but I’d rather leave my patterns open for use if I need πŸ™‚

      But the blank pattern thing works too and is actually a very useful way to organize as well.

      • everythingbutthegirl · Edit

        @saintjoe, Hi Joe

        I’ve tried to transpose a scene either up or down and have become stuck as all my song changes up. How can I get round that?
        Infact even when changing time signatures up and down things fall apart.
        Help me out man!


        • @everythingbutthegirl, not sure I understand what you are doing. If you change the time sig, it’s for the overall project I believe, as far as transpose, I would imagine you’d want to change it in the patterns instead of on the scene.

          I’d have to see an example of what you are trying to do lol.

              • everythingbutthegirl · Edit

                @saintjoe, OK Joe, thought about what I’m trying to say. Hear goes…… In this vid you set up your scenes and as you said you what to make a changes up say with the horns in one of the scenes. Transpose I think is the word…. Change up or down to have a complete change them in the next scene change back to the original. Is this possible.
                I hope this is clear!

                • @everythingbutthegirl, just use a different pattern for the horn part in that scene, change it up, and put it in that scene, then that scene will be different. The scenes only play back the patterns, make your changes in the patterns.

  3. Good lookin’ w/this vid! I could’ve used it when I first got Maschine and then one day while watching Ten Tigers it came to me. What worked for me was thinking of things from the concept of OOD (object oriented design) from my scripting classes. From that point things just seemed to fall into place except for me constantly making pattern variations, now if NI comes up with a non-liner tool and/or allows fades,etc. during composition with recordable actions…yeah buddy!

    • @jamari, yeah man I feel ya! I’m not programmer lol, so I didn’t have the OOD to make it click lol. When I first got it I was like “what?” lol, but then looking at it, it makes real sense. I used to think it was sort of limited with 1 pattern per group, but it’s really not, on other beat machines I made up patterns with 8-16 tracks, I can do that in 1 group! lol. The more I play with it the more I like it of course. Thanks for checkin it.

  4. Official Salute !! No doubt that was informative fam. Song mode is the best to arrange patterns and seq’s to me. on the mpc it has a mode for that all by itsself. i was always wondering if software developers would ever creat a song mode that just takes your seq and you can arrabge them how you want. Hmmm so now im wondering does ableton live have any features like this that i could be missin?? cause what i do Is make the full beat with every sound i have , then i duplicate it numerous times them edit each to make the song sound complete. I dont know if this makes sense the way im explaining it but it works. Sometime i find myself counting the bar measures to make sure its on time for rappers so they can rap to it. ( artist friendly tracks lol )

    • @tony, not sure what you’re asking me, it’s a sampler so you can record whatever you want into it. It’s not a daw so it doesn’t record linear audio on a timeline like cubase or something. It will record whatever you want as a sample, you’d then have to trigger it in whatever pattern you want. I suppose you could create a long pattern and trigger long pieces of audio if you wish.

  5. You’re the man Joe..Always flippin some funky beats and giving good advice and being a good sport to the music community and doin your thing and lettin me know what sounds good for how much lol how much else can we ask for as people makin music?..

  6. How do you record at more than one scene at a time? As in allowing it to jump from Scene 1 to Scene 2 without having to press anything while recording. When laying keys over a song it’s much easier to do it this way but I can’t figure it out. Help!!

    • @Hersh, really not sure what you’re trying to do, you don’t record into scenes, scenes just hold the patterns, you record into patterns and put them together into scenes.

      there’s nothing to record from one scene to another because there is no data being recorded into a scene.

      they don’t have a “song track” or something that will allow you to record a long linear sequence across scenes. Definitely would be a dope addition.

  7. What’s good St. Joe? Man, I meant to hit you up the day you posted this, but got off track. Been using this method the last few days and just remembered where I learned it. Very good instructions man. I wasn’t making much progress until I saw this. Much appreciated!!

  8. Bro, I’ll be hooking my MPC back up soon. Just brought a Quik Lok QL400 Console Mixer MPC Stand today so I’ll have some room for it. I figure since I still own it I might well use it plus I can carry it with me to lay down some beats when away from the house.

  9. Saintjoe u the man for real homeboy. This is the EXACT video I’ve been looking for. U just taught me how to make a full beat. As I was saying on Facebook ( Cortney Warren) I own Maschine but didn’t know how to make a beat. I can’t WAIT to get off work tonight!! It’s on!! GOD bless u bro. Can u make the same video again but this time using the hardware? Peace bro.

  10. Hey Man,

    Way to explain things. Here’s a tough question for some of the noobies of Maschines; (Myself)

    1.) How do I Quantize at a custom percentage?
    2.) It would be great if you did a video on making a beat solely with the Maschine for the Party man on the go. Because you have a simple way of articulating the process.. This would answer many of my questions… and could allow me to master the Maschine So I could make Beats on the fly while barely using the screen.
    3.) What’s the best High Quality Soundbanks out right now.. In your opinion?

    Thanks Bro

    • @Ryan C.,

      1. you can only quantize by full or 50%, or you can change the quantize grid

      2. That would be a long video πŸ˜‰

      3. check my product review page, too many out there just depends on what you want

  11. @saintjoe, I c wat u sayin in the video but im still havin hella problems cuz im new 2 this beat mashine thing & i was wounderin if u can hit my line up & help on the process of makin a beat/song if thats not 2 much 2 ask i wounld really appreciate it man.

  12. Quick question regarding saving scenes. im a fresh newb with the maschine so any help with this or tips for other things related would very much appreciated.

    I recently got the maschine and absolutely love it! i hit a wall last night in regards to recording/saving/uploading. i was working in step mode and had record on while practicing and then saved what i had programmed. after messing around with what i had i finally came up with a finished version of the song i was putting together. i then hit record again and played the song in its entirety. when i went to save it i then tried to open it on my computer. every time i open it it plays the practice version i had originally saved and its only 15 seconds long or so and not the finished product i had most recently saved.

    it comes up in itunes and plays the unfinished song every time. i got very frustrated and tried so many times with no luck, and i really want to avoid starting from scratch and re-programming each pad for each step. this is my first post on the forum and any help would be greatly appreciated…

    essentially what im asking is how do i record and save over something i already recorded to get my finished song? and then how do i open that finished song and eventually upload it to something like soundcloud?

    please help!

    thanks in advance

    • @Brent, once you arrange it and save it, you can use the file menu to export it. Make sure you choose to export “all scenes” and the “master” output to get a wave file of your entire song. You can then upload this to souncloud, etc.

      • @saintjoe, thank you sir, but i have the feeling that this is what i have been doing. i titled it “1st song”…i hit play then record when i practiced it and then saved it. once i put it all together in the same open file on the software (“1st song”) i hit play and record again and performed the song in its entirety. then i stopped the recording and clicked save again. i went to the file menu and did all of what you said above. when i opened the song it appeared in my itunes as the 15 seconds of practice i had done originally. its like it wont save over and replace the practice run i did.

        im sorry if this isnt clear or if i am just being a total noob and not getting it. as always, the help is greatly appreciated

        • @Brent, you can’t record your song like that, you have to build the patterns and put them into the arranger like a chain, then you can export it. If you only have one scene up there in the arranger, that’s all it will export πŸ™‚

  13. i am soooo sorry im an idiot. i meant to say i was recording in scene mode not step mode. not sure if this is any different in regards to saving. but i have things working in 3 dif scenes on the software and it only seems to pick up what i practiced. then when i hit play and record and perform my song using all 3 scenes and try to save its coming up with the original thing saved. god i need so much help πŸ™

    thanks again for listening

    • @Brent, you don’t record anything in scene mode, scenes just play back your various patterns.

      To connect them you drag the gray bar at the top to connect all 3 scenes, then when you export tell it to export all 3 scenes. It will only export the 3 scenes, if you want it longer, you need to extend the arrangement by making more scenes.

  14. now that, my good man, is very helpful lol. thank you so much im gonna tackle that thing when i get home from work and see if i can figure it out. i might bother you 1 or 2 more times if thats cool. i really appreciate everything.

    know anyone in chicago that could give me a few lessons to get me started? i will obviously pay $$$


  15. expect me to sign up for the tutorials this evening. last question regarding my little issue. since i have my scenes created and know what order to play them in to create my song, how/what do i do to put these scenes in a format where i can record, save, and then upload?

    you replied to me…”To connect them you drag the gray bar at the top to connect all 3 scenes”

    once i do this where do i go from there in regards to performing them to record?

    im sure ive exhausted you at this point

    • @Brent, you don’t perform them, once you have that gray bar connecting them, just go to your file menu and click export. Make sure it’s set to “all scenes” and for the output it should be “master” then you just export it as a wave file πŸ™‚

  16. @saintjoe

    Sure you may have gotten this question here and there Joe, but let’s say if I was to record a pattern or sample, how do I place one recording with another or even have one recording over thee other and have that continue on?

    • you can’t overlap from scene to scene, but your scene will be as long as the longest pattern you have in it. So you could make a short pattern in one group, then make a longer pattern in another group and the whole scene will be as long as the longer pattern.

      So say you have a 4 bar pattern in group A with a certain sound/sounds, you can use group B and make a pattern that is 8 or 16 bars long and it will make whatever scene it’s in that long.


    • After you slice, you need to hit “appply” to assign it to the pads to play. If you hit “apply to” and chose an emtpy group, it will put each slice on it’s own pad.

  18. Hi, how can you string finished songs together in mashine 2. You only get 256 bars in each pattern, you can’t overlap in the arranger view. Strange. The other thing I find frustrating is you never know where you notes are, mathematically. If I play a part with no quantisation and it feels good, when I try to program other parts to be in time with, where are the notes??? I know this is probably a silly question but I can’t diss it. Cheers


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