Motu BPM beatmaking first look and first beats


I just got Motu BPM last Friday,

Bought it from someone that wasn’t using it, hadn’t even been registered yet.

I had to check it out for myself.

I plan to have a full review of it, but just like I did with Maschine, I want to spend some more time learning it.

I just wanted to show a few quick tracks and some features I liked about it so far.

Of course you know there will be more reviews, tips, and videos on BPM. Also some comparisons between Maschine and BPM will be coming so keep an eye out.


  1. Transfuser is an Avid Pro Tools RTAS, after looking more into BPM the only difference I can see is that it allows you to play as a stand alone as well as a virtual instrument in any DAW, and it comes with a lot more audio files, I just might pick it up to use with live or logic.

  2. everythingbutthegirl · Edit

    Hi Joe

    Nice work! I always look forward to hearing what you have to say.
    I bought BPM last year I have to say, I’ve looked at it about four times it was the cheaper option for me at the time last year till I heard you go on about Machine.

    Man I have never looked back! More than I can say for BPM which is just
    hangin around. If someone is interested hit me up with an offer.


  3. Yeah man, I’m looking at BPM the same way as you, as a sound module front end for the UVI sounds, with the added bonus of pretty solid sequencing and a great sound engine. Honestly we’ve been pretty spoiled by Maschine. Had NI not slammed it out the park, I think I’d feel like BPM was the illest thing I’ve ever seen. Hopefully MOTU is up to the challenge of competing directly with NI.
    I really like UVI’s ep sounds, I think I’m gonna go for the larger Retro Keys pack, gotta make losing a USB port count 🙂

  4. I love all your demos, very easy to follow but in-depth! When checking out new gear though, I prefer to hear them with their included sounds only at first, because otherwise the reviewer’s own library could be impacting the review. Later, more in-depth reviews should be wide open and include anything possible. Just personal opinion. Thanks for all you do, man!

    • @Michael Blue, I hear ya, this wasn’t a review though, just showing some stuff I made with it 🙂

      all of the instrument sounds were from motu/uvi the only thing extra was the classic ep sounds I used.

      don’t worry there will be more, this was just a quick vid i put together

  5. yo bro the beat is dope, motu BPM looks pretty sick , but gott a admit since maschine burst in tha scene , it seems motu BPM just faded into oblivion , word. peace

    • @Funk Bandit, yeah man, Maschine kinda took over lol, I’m equal opportunity though, I already know I love maschine and I got a good price on this so I had to check it out lol.


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