Akai MPC Touch: Demo of The Vault Expansion


Hey what’s good fam!

Just a quick update to show some of the factory content that comes with the new MPC Touch.

The folks over at MVP Loops did a lot of content for the new MPC and I wanted to show what type of sounds they put in there.

Check it out!


The MPC Touch is available all over, and even on payment plans at spots like zzounds


Let me know what you think, also if you have any questions. I haven’t had the MPC Touch for too long, but I’ve been getting to know it. Navigation is pretty natural actual.



  1. Being an Akai Demo and because its time to Rest In Peace its time to say Adue St Joe. I would like to give a moments silence for the fallen over the last three decades whom have tirelessly worked to bring everybody to this point in AUDIO. First let us remember WIKI founder Julain Assange for his life time achievement in trying to educate us all. Secondly remember RADIUM-Sandor and his crew for helping many of you find the light and learn all about audio software. Remember your freedom of speech and your rights. Also remember your history lessons and how they fell and were destroyed by the corporations of the world.

    Software and Sampling in the world has become an endless pit where each software developer and sampler maker has stolen from generations before them and then in turn has stolen from the next generation and in turn the endless generations in front of them. The soulless reality is that every time a sample or software program is developed it is stolen from code of the generation before and in turn deprived from future generations as though the individual corporations own the future of all generations music. Such acts as common rights for all is not adhered to under the United Nations charters of which most industrial first world corporations ignore through Trade Marks and Copyrights all invalid because of the source material was never theirs to own in the beginning.

    The original source of all sounds was owned by all human beings regardless of Trademarks and copyrights.and Conglomerate Congressional and FBI and CIA destruction of all those opposed to such freedoms.only for the First World Order.

    Thousands of releases have been made available to fight the abject tyranny imposed by the First World order so that the Second and Third World orders culture is not robbed by them. You may have bought a Third World Samp[le CD-Rom but you have really robbed that Third world of their culture without paying for it. The same is the case for all live musicians whom have been robbed of their livelihood by sample thieves whom have stolen their art from them without compensation. When you sample you have paid only a few people and have robbed the masses of other artists without paying them for the loss of their art through the direct use of sampling technology.

    In effect destroying the arts and robbing everybody of their cultures world wide. Welcome to the rise of the Machines.

    • LOL, why are you here? What brought you to this site? You don’t seem to be interested in anything here, it seems you’re just looking for a place to vent and read your own writing.

  2. Hey SaintJoe, thanks for this demo;)
    Have you used The Vault 2.0 in either MPC X or Live?

    I currently have a new MPC X and I’m wondering how The Vault 1.0 matches up or compares to The Vault 2.0

    *Any advice or help would help! Thanks brotha!


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